Imagine sitting down with your boss and telling them you’ve received a new job offer with better working conditions and pay. Well, this might be an uncomfortable conversation, but it can become even more awkward when they beg you to stay.

A few months ago, user JazetaJuliet decided to hand in her two-week notice. You see, she landed a great opportunity back home and decided to move closer to her friends and family. When the company owner found out, he tried to convince her to stay on the team but while the conversation started off pleasantly, it quickly turned sour.

During the negotiation, the boss showed his true colors when he called the woman a liar and continued with his insulting attempts to keep her in the company. She decided to share this wild text exchange with the Anti Work community and sparked quite a discussion in the comments.

“I had been following Anti Work for several months before I made the post,” JazetaJuliet told Bored Panda. “I saw all these stories of people taking a stand against awful working conditions and it was very inspiring to know that people felt the way I do.” Read on for the whole interview.


    After this woman received a better job offer and decided to quit, her boss begged her to stay while insulting her during the negotiations


    When JazetaJuliet landed a better opportunity closer to home, she took it without hesitation. “I wasn’t really expecting the new owner to reach out to me and start the exchange, but given how he interacted with the staff during the introduction meeting, I wasn’t too surprised about how he communicated with me.”

    The user mentioned that her old boss was extraordinarily incompetent by making awful job offers to keep her. Sadly, this type of thing is not unheard of, and she believes that’s the reason why most people resonated with it. “People are growing tired of working 50+ hours a week and still barely scraping by.”


    “I think seeing me stick up to my old boss’ nonsense gave a sense of satisfaction for people who simply can’t do it themselves because the way the system is right now, they can’t afford to. At the same time, though, you never really anticipate blowing up on any social media.” She wanted to mention that she is just “a simple woman trying to make ends meet and inspire others to want better,” the user said.

    JazetaJuliet said that greed and selfishness are the main reasons why some bosses show disrespect to their workers. “Many people who are higher up seem to think that the jobs they provide are a blessing,” she added. “The simple fact is if anyone working in the retail industries and blue-collar work just stopped, so would the economy. Everything would collapse.”

    “I also think that some bosses do not view workers as people but as someone who makes them money. It’s a flaw in our society and I’m not sure how to fix that.” Yet, she hopes her story will inspire others to put their foot down and say “No, you aren’t going to treat me this way.”

    Luckily, JazetaJuliet’s new job is going well for her. “People who work under me are still being taken advantage of, but I do plan on trying to unionize my workplace to make things great for everyone.”


    People don’t have to tolerate or put up with a situation like this as it can damage their well being, an expert says

    To find out what an expert had to say about this situation, we reached out to Elizabeth Sullivan, a career coach based in the UK. She told us that some bosses show far less value, respect, and appreciation for their staff than others. “Some people are less sensitive, they may not even realize that what they are saying is disrespectful to other people. Some are unkind, uncaring, negative, unappreciative, or even toxic. And there’s also the bullies who take out their own issues and unhappiness on others.”

    When asked about dealing with such bosses, it depends on whether you enjoy your position or not. “It can be worth trying to address it if you like the job and would otherwise stay. But there is a big difference between constructive criticism and harmful comments at work. You need the former to grow, the latter just needs to go,” she said.

    Remember, if you’re getting negative and hurtful comments, that’s not acceptable. “Everyone should feel respected and safe at their place of work. It may be important to evaluate whether the comments are specific to the company culture, the boss, or something else.” You can try addressing the issue with your superior using the when you do this, I feel that formula: “When you make personal comments like that, I feel insulted, can you please stop doing that.”


    “If you speak to the person using the formula above and the situation doesn’t change, depending on the source of the behavior and how comfortable you feel, consider bringing in an ally, a mentor, or HR. Taking larger action may be worth considering. Or even looking for a job in another department or company,” the career coach added.

    Sullivan mentioned that when you see other people stand up for themselves and share how they did it, it can inspire others to do the same. “Remember that you are valuable, worthy, and enough, regardless of whether one particular person (an unappreciative, toxic, or negative boss) or even a group of people see you that way or not.”

    Everyone deserves appreciation and respect, we do not have to tolerate a situation like this as it can damage our health and well-being. “Address it and see if you can change it. Namely, is it a pattern specific to your manager or your workplace generally? If, for example, it was just specific to your manager, it’s worth asking for more regular feedback including positive acknowledgment.”

    “If it was a situation like the one above, where during a negotiation to keep her she was being insulted, I would recommend saying something like ‘I don’t continue conversations/negotiations with people who insult me’ and just walk away,” she concluded.


    Here’s what members of the Anti Work community had to say about this situation