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Zadie the Swiftie
Community Member
5 posts
2K points
Hi! I'm a giant Taylor Swift fan. You'll catch me rocking out in my room to her songs when I think nobody's watching. Cheers!
Zadie the Swiftie • upvoted 39 items 2 years ago
Kenyan Runner Abel Mutai Was Only A Few Meters From The Finish Line, But Got Confused With The Signs And Stopped, Thinking He Had Finished The Race
US - Only visiting New York and/or Florida and then believing they've seen "America." Obviously you're not going to be able to visit every state and eat in every rural diner, but don't just come to Times Square and then believe you've formed an opinion about life in the US.Common-Tourist-Mistakes-Unfamiliar-Country
Not so much a mistake but something I thought was just obnoxious. At a pub in Ireland and, as they do, a bunch of guys whipped out instruments and just started jamming. It was the type of spontaneous session that perfectly captures the experience of a true Irish pub. This very American couple, at the close of a song, got up to leave. The woman reached over to give one of the musicians some money. He declined as if to say, we aren't buskers looking for handouts, this is just us having fun. She insists, leaves the money in front of him, and says, "it's customary." My buddy and I, also Americans, were so embarrassed. While her intentions were obvisouly good,her gesture just struck us as arrogant. It was if she was saying her customs are superior to the locals. It has stuck with both my buddy and me for almost 20 years. To this day, saying "it's customary" is a way to say someone is being obnoxious.Show All 39 Upvotes
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Zadie the Swiftie • submitted 6 list additions 4 years ago
Zadie the Swiftie • commented on 6 posts 2 years ago
Zadie the Swiftie • commented on 14 posts 3 years ago
Zadie the Swiftie • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Zadie the Swiftie • 68 followers