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Loren Zitomersky
Community Member
1 posts
43 points
On April 16, 2018, I'm going to run all 26.2 miles of the Boston Marathon BACKWARDS (yes, literally turned around) and attempting to break the Guinness World Record for the fastest marathon run backwards (currently: 3 hours, 43 minutes, 39 seconds).
My brother Brian passed away from epilepsy at the age of seven. I run backwards in Brian's memory and to better the lives of individuals and families affected by epilepsy.
Loren Zitomersky • submitted a new post 6 years ago
Loren Zitomersky • upvoted an item 6 years ago
Loren Zitomersky • submitted a new post 6 years ago
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Loren Zitomersky • upvoted an item 6 years ago
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