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Asexual Zelephant (They/Them)
Community Member
Hello. You can call me Zellie!
Some stuff about me:
- I’m a minor (13)
- Autistic, ADHD, OCD, Anxiety, BPD
- AroAce Lesbian Agender
- They/them pronouns please! :)
- Ravenpuff (Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff)
- I want to be an astrobiologist, and astrophysicist or a theoretical physicist.
- Doing diploma in piano! XD
- I love science, maths and music
- I don’t like most sports and people.
- I live in London
- Family’s from Poland
- Scared of almost everything
Rip A fruity dream of delusion. You will be missed ??
I would love to make some friends here on BP but please no homophobes or mean people haha. Thank you for taking the time to read :)
To whoever is reading this you are amazing and keep doing what you’re doing because you slay!! Have a wonderful day/night xx