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crowspectre (he/they)
Community Member
PSA; got blocked from commenting (: not sure why as I don't have any downvoted comments but there's a chance the transphobic troll has been reporting me for being queer as hell. I might be back soon, if I'm not i'll make a new account. If you really need my advice about something, ask Bee (freakingbee) to email me
Happy pride month! If you have any questions about queerness, feel free to ask me!
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's just me, everyone's favourite dumbass with a severe case of the accidentally launched himself into the sky with his friend's homemade trebuchet!!
If you ever need mental health help, I'm here for you, even if we haven't talked before. Just reply to an old comment or post. I can also help if you're gender/sexuality questioning as I've had a lot of experience with that and know a ton of niche terms (such as genderfaun and achillean, which refer to your favourite trans idiot).
Have a great day, don't forget to feed the crows!