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Xavier .L.G.
Community Member
1 posts
11 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Xavier .L.G. • upvoted 7 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Can't Be Said To Relatives, But Can Be Said To Strangers?
You’re cute. Pretty much illegal to date your family. Strangers can be hot.Hey Pandas, What Can't Be Said To Relatives, But Can Be Said To Strangers?
Your looking kinda cute today *wink wink*.Hey Pandas, What Can't Be Said To Relatives, But Can Be Said To Strangers?
That I’m trans. I can tell everybody on a social media account I know my family’s not on and I would have no problems, but I know my extended family definitely won’t support me and I’m not sure about my parents.Hey Pandas, What Can't Be Said To Relatives, But Can Be Said To Strangers?
To take off their pants. Serious answer? Can’t say “I love you”. I don’t want to lie or look weak enough to love those who’ve never loved me.Hey Pandas, What Can't Be Said To Relatives, But Can Be Said To Strangers?
I've been feeling very tired lately, but I can't tell my wife about it because it's just sharing the pain and I don't want her to be unhappy (and of course she can't solve my troubles, and that's what I don't say a reason) But she felt it, and I tried my best to look happy and say 'nothing'.Show All 7 Upvotes
Xavier .L.G. • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Xavier .L.G. • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
Xavier .L.G. • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Xavier .L.G. • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
This Panda hasn't commented anything yet
Xavier .L.G. • upvoted 7 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Can't Be Said To Relatives, But Can Be Said To Strangers?
You’re cute. Pretty much illegal to date your family. Strangers can be hot.Hey Pandas, What Can't Be Said To Relatives, But Can Be Said To Strangers?
Your looking kinda cute today *wink wink*.Hey Pandas, What Can't Be Said To Relatives, But Can Be Said To Strangers?
That I’m trans. I can tell everybody on a social media account I know my family’s not on and I would have no problems, but I know my extended family definitely won’t support me and I’m not sure about my parents.Hey Pandas, What Can't Be Said To Relatives, But Can Be Said To Strangers?
To take off their pants. Serious answer? Can’t say “I love you”. I don’t want to lie or look weak enough to love those who’ve never loved me.Hey Pandas, What Can't Be Said To Relatives, But Can Be Said To Strangers?
I've been feeling very tired lately, but I can't tell my wife about it because it's just sharing the pain and I don't want her to be unhappy (and of course she can't solve my troubles, and that's what I don't say a reason) But she felt it, and I tried my best to look happy and say 'nothing'.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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