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possessed imp
Community Member
1 posts
1K points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
possessed imp • upvoted 33 items 2 years ago
50 Of The Most Disturbing Facts About The World That Might Freak You Out, As Shared By This TikToker
50 Of The Most Disturbing Facts About The World That Might Freak You Out, As Shared By This TikToker
Keanu Reeves
Keanu Reeves StudMuffinNick added: Weird how long I had to scroll for this when he was the internet's favorite nice guy just s couple years agoanon reply
I saw Keanu Reeves walking around LA a year ago and I asked for a picture. After the picture I said I like his shirt and he said he liked mine. I coincidentally had a bill and teds excellent adventure shirt on.profoundly_me reply
My son who was in first grade at the time was able to convince the school that he was diabetic and needed a morning snack and afternoon snack.. I got a call from his teacher asking me to come in for a conference. When I arrived there was the nurse, teacher,principal, and a social worker. They started off by saying they didn't call the welfare because I couldn't afford the snacks but because I was putting his life in danger by not informing them and arranging with the nurse to have his sugar tested....when I told them he was not diabetic they were dumb founded and at that point called the doctor. When the nurse got off the phone she told them to go get my son and she asked him why he lied and he said Anna told me she is diabetic and that's why she gets snacks twice a day so I thought I would give it a try. Then he said its not my fault you trusted a first grader..... I could not force myself to punish him because he was right..They shouldn't have taken his word . They should have called me immediately. After I explained it all to my husband we just started busting out laughing... And I thought damn this kid is clever. I then called the school and demanded an apology which they promptly gave me and I asked what his punishment was going to be and they said they would let me know soon as they could stop laughing..... He never did get that punishment...50 Students And Parents Call Out Their Teachers Who Were So Toxic, They Shouldn’t Be Teaching Anyone
Show All 33 Upvotes
possessed imp • commented on 7 posts 2 years ago
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possessed imp • submitted a new post 2 years ago
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possessed imp • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
30 Funny And Confusing Pics Posted By The “Images That Require More Context” Twitter Page (New Pics)
possessed imp • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Keanu Reeves
Keanu Reeves StudMuffinNick added: Weird how long I had to scroll for this when he was the internet's favorite nice guy just s couple years ago50 Of The Most Disturbing Facts About The World That Might Freak You Out, As Shared By This TikToker
50 Of The Most Disturbing Facts About The World That Might Freak You Out, As Shared By This TikToker
anon reply
I saw Keanu Reeves walking around LA a year ago and I asked for a picture. After the picture I said I like his shirt and he said he liked mine. I coincidentally had a bill and teds excellent adventure shirt on.profoundly_me reply
My son who was in first grade at the time was able to convince the school that he was diabetic and needed a morning snack and afternoon snack.. I got a call from his teacher asking me to come in for a conference. When I arrived there was the nurse, teacher,principal, and a social worker. They started off by saying they didn't call the welfare because I couldn't afford the snacks but because I was putting his life in danger by not informing them and arranging with the nurse to have his sugar tested....when I told them he was not diabetic they were dumb founded and at that point called the doctor. When the nurse got off the phone she told them to go get my son and she asked him why he lied and he said Anna told me she is diabetic and that's why she gets snacks twice a day so I thought I would give it a try. Then he said its not my fault you trusted a first grader..... I could not force myself to punish him because he was right..They shouldn't have taken his word . They should have called me immediately. After I explained it all to my husband we just started busting out laughing... And I thought damn this kid is clever. I then called the school and demanded an apology which they promptly gave me and I asked what his punishment was going to be and they said they would let me know soon as they could stop laughing..... He never did get that punishment...50 Students And Parents Call Out Their Teachers Who Were So Toxic, They Shouldn’t Be Teaching Anyone
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