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1 posts
28 points
I am respectful, goofy and honest I come with a smile from ear to ear. I don't mean to brag but I'm a whiz at playing piano. This is my favorite movie quote as well. "Tell me Bats. What are you really scared of? Failing to save this cesspool of a city? Not finding the Commissioner in time? Me, in a thong?" – The Joker, "Batman: Arkham Asylum"
Wilbur • upvoted 16 items 2 years ago
sasroxxy reply
I'd probably fall in to this category. I entered high school with a positive outlook and love for the school my mom and grandma went to, but that quickly turned to a c**p shoot. They dropped all the classes I wanted to take (shop, auto... etc) had 40+ kids per class that were unmanageable and we were entering the entitled kid era of everyone gets away with everything. At the same time I was diagnosed with ADHD, moderate to severe depression and anxiety. After freshman year I failed every class but journalism my sophomore year. Somehow my journalism teacher thought I should be recognized for my writing potential (and this had to be backed with support by at least 2 other faculty??) But other than that I was failing everything. In the middle of my junior year I was passing Japanese class with 100% and that's it. I went to the advisors to ask about modifications for attention deficit and they told me they would put me in special ed. I told them hell no because the content was too easy. (Anyone familiar with ADHD knows that uninteresting content makes it *harder* to focus, which is why I was doing very well in the classes I enjoyed and failing the rest.) So mid-junior year my depression got the best of me and I skipped school to sleep all day. I dropped out and went to an ALC where it only got worse. 1/4 way through what would have been my senior year I caught a huge bout of depression and quit altogether, as I was only awake then for ~4 hours each day. After a few months I began an adult learning program for my GED, and other than math (which I had repeatedly failed and so never made it passed geometry in high school) I scored in the top 10%. In other words, I basically fell off the face of the earth and just skated by with the minimum. Lost my social life in the process. Now, almost 10 years later I'll be graduating in may with an A.A.S. and technical certificate in CNC machining. I stand at the top of my program, serve as the student representative on my program's advisory committee, have an honors GPA with an invitation to Phi Theta Kappa and run the school's machine tool club. I also currently have 100% in my applications of quantitative reasoning (math) class. And I have guest-taught some of the programs CAD/CAM class. I'll be only the second person in my paternal family to hold an associates degree. And I'm the first and only female machinist at my company.Show All 16 Upvotes
Wilbur • commented on 7 posts 2 years ago
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Wilbur • commented on 7 posts 2 years ago
Wilbur • upvoted 16 items 2 years ago
sasroxxy reply
I'd probably fall in to this category. I entered high school with a positive outlook and love for the school my mom and grandma went to, but that quickly turned to a c**p shoot. They dropped all the classes I wanted to take (shop, auto... etc) had 40+ kids per class that were unmanageable and we were entering the entitled kid era of everyone gets away with everything. At the same time I was diagnosed with ADHD, moderate to severe depression and anxiety. After freshman year I failed every class but journalism my sophomore year. Somehow my journalism teacher thought I should be recognized for my writing potential (and this had to be backed with support by at least 2 other faculty??) But other than that I was failing everything. In the middle of my junior year I was passing Japanese class with 100% and that's it. I went to the advisors to ask about modifications for attention deficit and they told me they would put me in special ed. I told them hell no because the content was too easy. (Anyone familiar with ADHD knows that uninteresting content makes it *harder* to focus, which is why I was doing very well in the classes I enjoyed and failing the rest.) So mid-junior year my depression got the best of me and I skipped school to sleep all day. I dropped out and went to an ALC where it only got worse. 1/4 way through what would have been my senior year I caught a huge bout of depression and quit altogether, as I was only awake then for ~4 hours each day. After a few months I began an adult learning program for my GED, and other than math (which I had repeatedly failed and so never made it passed geometry in high school) I scored in the top 10%. In other words, I basically fell off the face of the earth and just skated by with the minimum. Lost my social life in the process. Now, almost 10 years later I'll be graduating in may with an A.A.S. and technical certificate in CNC machining. I stand at the top of my program, serve as the student representative on my program's advisory committee, have an honors GPA with an invitation to Phi Theta Kappa and run the school's machine tool club. I also currently have 100% in my applications of quantitative reasoning (math) class. And I have guest-taught some of the programs CAD/CAM class. I'll be only the second person in my paternal family to hold an associates degree. And I'm the first and only female machinist at my company.funny senior quotes
“Remember… The more you weigh the harder you are to kidnap. Stay safe… Eat cake.”This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Wilbur • 1 follower