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Snekky/Snek (She/they is fine)
Community Member
1 posts
242 points
I made that temporary tattoo on my pfp with a marker, glue stick, and q-tip. UM I like to animate. follow me on scratch @DangerNoodle851 and uh I’m technically a teenager I love the following fandoms in no particular order: Harry Potter Wings of Fire Tales of Perfectheart Crystals Redmoon Equinox Hamilton and of course, Gravity Falls and The Owl House. Man, I like a lot of fandoms! And Ralph Waldo Emerson said you shouldn’t have fandoms at all and Emerson U just jealous bc no one made fandoms about ur books
Snekky/Snek (She/they is fine) • commented on 15 posts 3 years ago
Show All 15 Comments
Snekky/Snek (She/they is fine) • upvoted 22 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, Type 'I Am' And See What Auto Type Adds
I am going upstairs right now to see if I could get a good time to come over for the day I don’t know what that is supposed with but I’m just thinking I have had some good friends friends with friends family friends and friends always family family friends and friends family and family family friends and friends always family family and friends always friends family family and family friends and family family friends and friends always family friends always friends friends and dogs always always friends always have had a good time with my family friends always friends and friends always family friends family family friends and friends always family family and friends and family family friends and family and friends always friends family friends and friends always... It got hung up at the end...A (Probably) Pure Gold Button Dating Most Likely Late 1800s To Early 1900s... Its Hard To Make Out But The Words Say L.s.m Association Of America With An Eagle Carrying A Ribbon. Does Anyone Know What That Is?
Hey Pandas, Type In The Words “I Hate People Who” And Let Autocorrect Do The Rest
I hate people who don’t know me and my kids don’t know how to make me happy I have had some good friends friends with friends friends always friends family friends and friends friends and dogs family friends family family friends and friends friends and dogs and family family and family family friends family family friends and friends family and family family friends and friends always family friends always always happy with their food here and I will be going back for a family friends o o this is the most delicious food owner ever had I was so so good with friends friends always work with friends friends family and family family friends family and dogs and always family... you can see it got hung up at the end it always does that with friends and family for some reason lolShow All 22 Upvotes
Snekky/Snek (She/they is fine) • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago
Snekky/Snek (She/they is fine) • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Snekky/Snek (She/they is fine) • submitted 16 list additions 3 years ago
Snekky/Snek (She/they is fine) • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
Snekky/Snek (She/they is fine) • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Students overwhelmed by homework when it isn’t necessary. I’m excluding situations like when the workloads from classes are reasonable and happen to pile on one day or students who aren’t organized, etc. This whole thing is a grey area, but sleep, burnout, mental health exists.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Snekky/Snek (She/they is fine) • 17 followers