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Wayne Lee
Community Member
1 posts
232 points
Work outdoors. Grew up outdoors. Surfing, fishing, hunting, camping & sports.
Wayne Lee • commented on 2 posts 1 year ago
Wayne Lee • upvoted 22 items 1 year ago
Stanford-baller reply
No hand soap in the restroom. Unless staff have their own restroom no one’s washing hands after doing their business into urinal or toilet.Philcycles84 reply
Loud music. I've been in restaurants before where I can't hear myself think, let alone hear people opposite me talk. Edit: comments were irritating me, so I amendedjimcol reply
Tables packed closely together to the point where you might as well just be sitting with the strangers next to you.Interesting-Statistics
JESquirrel said: "Dragonflies have a 95% hunt success rate. Making them the most effective hunters in the world." supbros302 replied: "It's because the dragonfly optic nerve connects directly to their wings allowing incredibly fast reaction times since the target finding isn't mediated by the nervous system."Solidbackupplan reply
Taking their shoes off before entering someone's house without being asked. Its such a small act but shows great respect.Show All 22 Upvotes
Wayne Lee • upvoted 15 items 2 years ago
Show All 15 Upvotes
Wayne Lee • commented on a post 2 years ago
Wayne Lee • submitted 13 list additions 2 years ago
Wayne Lee • commented on 2 posts 1 year ago
Wayne Lee • commented on 18 posts 2 years ago
Wayne Lee • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
JESquirrel said: "Dragonflies have a 95% hunt success rate. Making them the most effective hunters in the world." supbros302 replied: "It's because the dragonfly optic nerve connects directly to their wings allowing incredibly fast reaction times since the target finding isn't mediated by the nervous system."Stanford-baller reply
No hand soap in the restroom. Unless staff have their own restroom no one’s washing hands after doing their business into urinal or toilet.jimcol reply
Tables packed closely together to the point where you might as well just be sitting with the strangers next to you.Philcycles84 reply
Loud music. I've been in restaurants before where I can't hear myself think, let alone hear people opposite me talk. Edit: comments were irritating me, so I amendedSolidbackupplan reply
Taking their shoes off before entering someone's house without being asked. Its such a small act but shows great respect.CorporalD reply
They put their shopping carts up instead of just leaving them out in the parking lot.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Wayne Lee • 1 follower