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19 points
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Meriri • upvoted 37 items 7 years ago
89-Year-Old Japanese Grandma Discovers Photography, Can't Stop Taking Hilarious Self-Portraits Now
Real estate gurus who sell their courses online in downloadable digital format and say that we must buy now since they "only have a few courses remaining and when they're gone, they're gone!". How the f*ck do they run out of digital, downloadable courses? Do their computers run out of binary 1's and 0's after so many downloads? Sounds stupid but people fall for this ploy regularly. Food
26 Alternative Halloween Pumpkins That I Carved To Show They Don't Necessarily Need To Be Scary
Architecture, History
For 20 Years The French Have Been Building A Medieval Castle Using Medieval Techniques, And The Result Is Incredible
223 Lb Woman Reveals What 2 Years Of Fitness Does To Your Body, And Her Transformation Is Unbelievable
Disney Collabs With Japanese Wedding Company To Make Princess Wedding Dresses, And They Look Stunning
Show All 37 Upvotes
Meriri • commented on 3 posts 7 years ago
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Meriri • submitted a new post 7 years ago
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Meriri • commented on 6 posts 7 years ago
Meriri • upvoted 20 items 7 years ago
Real estate gurus who sell their courses online in downloadable digital format and say that we must buy now since they "only have a few courses remaining and when they're gone, they're gone!". How the f*ck do they run out of digital, downloadable courses? Do their computers run out of binary 1's and 0's after so many downloads? Sounds stupid but people fall for this ploy regularly. Photography
89-Year-Old Japanese Grandma Discovers Photography, Can't Stop Taking Hilarious Self-Portraits Now
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