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Virginia Green (she/her)
Community Member
2 posts
103 points
Hey! I go by Ginny. I most likely won't post much. My hobbies are sports and art. I play volleyball and softball. My art hobby is new, but I'm getting used to it. :)
Virginia Green (she/her) • upvoted 16 items 2 years ago
Movie Quotes
“Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.” — The Princess Bride (1987)Hey Pandas, What Is Your Experience With Eating Disorders?
so this is a long one for a long time, I haven't exactly been teased for being large, but that's what it always felt like. I just feel like I take up lots of space as a person, even though everyone says I'm just "curvy" or "thick thighed" but I didn't believe anyone. I stopped eating for long periods of time, while thankfully drinking water. The longest I didn't eat was a good 6 days. One day I finally broke and was bawling over the phone with my friend, when my mom asked me what was up. I didn't want to tell her but eventually broke it to her and told her everything (everything being not eating and didn't mention that I tried to cut myself multiple times) Honestly, now it's still hard to not think about it, but I am a lot happier now that I've gotten help and that it's out in the open. In conclusion, PLEASE EAT! EVERYONE HERE LOVES YOU AND NEEDS YOU!Cooking Green Beans
I grew up eating canned green beans. I don't like crunchy green beans, slow cooked is the best! I love Southern Style green beans, of course.Eating Instant Mashed Potatoes
I actually really like instant mashed potatoes. I can make some really good dishes with potatoes from scratch, but that cheap instant stuff is like crack to me.Show All 16 Upvotes
Virginia Green (she/her) • commented on 19 posts 2 years ago
Show All 19 Comments
Virginia Green (she/her) • submitted 5 list additions 2 years ago
Virginia Green (she/her) • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
Virginia Green (she/her) • submitted 5 list additions 2 years ago
Virginia Green (she/her) • submitted 9 list additions 3 years ago
Virginia Green (she/her) • submitted a list addition 4 years ago
Virginia Green (she/her) • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Virginia Green (she/her) • upvoted 18 items 2 years ago
Movie Quotes
“Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.” — The Princess Bride (1987)Hey Pandas, What Is Your Experience With Eating Disorders?
so this is a long one for a long time, I haven't exactly been teased for being large, but that's what it always felt like. I just feel like I take up lots of space as a person, even though everyone says I'm just "curvy" or "thick thighed" but I didn't believe anyone. I stopped eating for long periods of time, while thankfully drinking water. The longest I didn't eat was a good 6 days. One day I finally broke and was bawling over the phone with my friend, when my mom asked me what was up. I didn't want to tell her but eventually broke it to her and told her everything (everything being not eating and didn't mention that I tried to cut myself multiple times) Honestly, now it's still hard to not think about it, but I am a lot happier now that I've gotten help and that it's out in the open. In conclusion, PLEASE EAT! EVERYONE HERE LOVES YOU AND NEEDS YOU!Cooking Green Beans
I grew up eating canned green beans. I don't like crunchy green beans, slow cooked is the best! I love Southern Style green beans, of course.Eating Instant Mashed Potatoes
I actually really like instant mashed potatoes. I can make some really good dishes with potatoes from scratch, but that cheap instant stuff is like crack to me.50 Times Teachers Hung The Funniest Signs In Their Classrooms And They Ended Up Being Praised Online
Virginia Green (she/her) • upvoted 2 items 3 years ago
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