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Meme Kitty
Community Member
1 posts
266 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Meme Kitty • commented on 18 posts 2 years ago
Show All 18 Comments
Meme Kitty • upvoted 21 items 2 years ago
Just moved into a house that was built in the 70s. The previous owners custom built it, and the architect was the man's old frat buddy. Custom stuff everywhere (trash chute straight from the kitchen into the garage wheelie bin!). When we first looked at the house, we really loved it, but there was no office space that my husband could use for his music stuff. It was the only disappointing thing about the house, but since everything else was so perfect, we went ahead and put in the offer. When we were doing another walkthrough with our parents, we showed them the walk up attic, which is pretty cool too. When I turned around to leave, I noticed a wall of insulation that looked....different. if you push the insulation to one side, a doorknob appears. And behind it is the secret office. Coolest house ever.Construction-Workers-Built-Secret-Rooms
Residential contractor here. A client once asked that I add a 4x6 room next to the master that would be "just big enough to allow someone to 'calm down' if they were being 'bad'". Specs had no windows. Brick walls. Double thick door, etc. He gave off that creepy as hell vibe, but you know, money. Anyway, the job was going fine until we ran out of red bricks and started using those blue and yellow ones. He lost his s**t! Canceled the contract and never looked back. tldr: My son's standards for Lego houses are so high that Jesus himself couldn't reach them.Construction-Workers-Built-Secret-Rooms
My dad is a doctor and does a lot of construction at home in his free time. This one time he was moving a wall, making one room smaller and another bigger. He was putting an entire-wall-bookshelf kind of thing in the smaller room, and just to f**k with future homeowners he snatched one of those plastic skeletons from his job and hid it in the space between the bookshelf and the wall I expect headlines sometime in the futureBad-Cooking-Habits
"I can't get my lasagna to taste as good as yours." "Did you follow the recipe?" "Yeah, but I don't really like pork so I substituted chicken, and instead of salt, I added extra sugar, because I prefer sugar. "Bad-Cooking-Habits
When people f**k with the timer/burner when I’m cooking. I had some tomato sauce going at a nice even simmer, but apparently someone else in my household thought it should be boiling like pasta water, so they jacked up the temp to high and added more time to the timer...Bad-Cooking-Habits
Parents who only steam veggies and barely use salt or pepper on them and then act all shocked when their kids don't like it. Of course they won't like that, most adults would be peeved getting something like that. Something as simple as roasting veggies with some basic herbs and a good olive oil can make a huge difference.Bad-Cooking-Habits
Putting the noodles into the water before it's boiled, like legit the water is straight out of the tap and the stove's not on yet. Read the goddamn instructions, boiling water takes longer than 3 minutes and thats why your ramen is fucking mushy.Bad-Cooking-Habits
My husband “seasons the pan” instead of seasoning the food. As in, he sprinkles salt/pepper/Italian seasoning into a hot pan and then adds plain, unseasoned protein on top. He seems to think this accomplishes the same thing as seasoning the meat directly. It does not.Bad-Cooking-Habits
Putting no salt in anything and expecting the salt shaker at the table to do the job. Nothing seasoned at the table with a salt shaker will ever even approach the flavor of something that was seasoned throughout the cooking process.Bad-Cooking-Habits
My mother’s glass cutting board. I lack the words to explain the torture of using a glass cutting board. Awful. I did finally buy her a couple good knives that she won’t use. This year I am getting her a nice wooden board for her to not use.Show All 21 Upvotes
Meme Kitty • started following a person 2 years ago
Meme Kitty • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Meme Kitty • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
Meme Kitty • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Meme Kitty • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Just moved into a house that was built in the 70s. The previous owners custom built it, and the architect was the man's old frat buddy. Custom stuff everywhere (trash chute straight from the kitchen into the garage wheelie bin!). When we first looked at the house, we really loved it, but there was no office space that my husband could use for his music stuff. It was the only disappointing thing about the house, but since everything else was so perfect, we went ahead and put in the offer. When we were doing another walkthrough with our parents, we showed them the walk up attic, which is pretty cool too. When I turned around to leave, I noticed a wall of insulation that looked....different. if you push the insulation to one side, a doorknob appears. And behind it is the secret office. Coolest house ever.Construction-Workers-Built-Secret-Rooms
My dad is a doctor and does a lot of construction at home in his free time. This one time he was moving a wall, making one room smaller and another bigger. He was putting an entire-wall-bookshelf kind of thing in the smaller room, and just to f**k with future homeowners he snatched one of those plastic skeletons from his job and hid it in the space between the bookshelf and the wall I expect headlines sometime in the futureConstruction-Workers-Built-Secret-Rooms
Residential contractor here. A client once asked that I add a 4x6 room next to the master that would be "just big enough to allow someone to 'calm down' if they were being 'bad'". Specs had no windows. Brick walls. Double thick door, etc. He gave off that creepy as hell vibe, but you know, money. Anyway, the job was going fine until we ran out of red bricks and started using those blue and yellow ones. He lost his s**t! Canceled the contract and never looked back. tldr: My son's standards for Lego houses are so high that Jesus himself couldn't reach them.Bad-Cooking-Habits
When people f**k with the timer/burner when I’m cooking. I had some tomato sauce going at a nice even simmer, but apparently someone else in my household thought it should be boiling like pasta water, so they jacked up the temp to high and added more time to the timer...Bad-Cooking-Habits
Putting the noodles into the water before it's boiled, like legit the water is straight out of the tap and the stove's not on yet. Read the goddamn instructions, boiling water takes longer than 3 minutes and thats why your ramen is fucking mushy.Bad-Cooking-Habits
"I can't get my lasagna to taste as good as yours." "Did you follow the recipe?" "Yeah, but I don't really like pork so I substituted chicken, and instead of salt, I added extra sugar, because I prefer sugar. "Bad-Cooking-Habits
My husband “seasons the pan” instead of seasoning the food. As in, he sprinkles salt/pepper/Italian seasoning into a hot pan and then adds plain, unseasoned protein on top. He seems to think this accomplishes the same thing as seasoning the meat directly. It does not.Bad-Cooking-Habits
Putting no salt in anything and expecting the salt shaker at the table to do the job. Nothing seasoned at the table with a salt shaker will ever even approach the flavor of something that was seasoned throughout the cooking process.Bad-Cooking-Habits
My mother’s glass cutting board. I lack the words to explain the torture of using a glass cutting board. Awful. I did finally buy her a couple good knives that she won’t use. This year I am getting her a nice wooden board for her to not use.Bad-Cooking-Habits
Parents who only steam veggies and barely use salt or pepper on them and then act all shocked when their kids don't like it. Of course they won't like that, most adults would be peeved getting something like that. Something as simple as roasting veggies with some basic herbs and a good olive oil can make a huge difference.I Mean That’s It, End Of Story. being Traumatized Wasn’t Designed To Make You Stronger. I Was Designed To Break You Down And Steal Your Joy. if You’ve Come Out On The Other Side, It Wasn’t A Happy Accident, It’s Because You Did The Work And Lifted Your Self Above And Beyond. you Are Fucking Amazing. @therealjoirizarry 📸 @hellolanemoore . . . . #fridaynightfeels #survivor #traumasurvivor #traumaandaddictionrecovery #sobrietyrocks #itsoknottodrink #healingjourney #selfcarefirst #youarestrongerthanyouthink #mentalhealthmemes🖤 #mentalhealthrecovery #asafeplaceinsideyourhead
I’m Not Sure If This Is True, But In My Heart Of Hearts I Sure Want It To Be.❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🤎 • • 😩i Don't Think A Lot Of People Know How Incredibly Hard It Is For People With Anxiety To Do Some Things That Are Incredibly Normal And Effortless For Others. • • • 😬in My Worst Of My Social Anxiety Days I Struggled To Do So Many Things🤦🏼♀️. For Example: God Forbid I Forgot To Grab A Fork After Sitting Down At The Food Court With My Food. I Would Panic, Feel Instant Nervousness Just At The Thought Of Having To Get Back Up And Go And Ask For A Fork Or Even Simply Just Grab One Off The Counter. • • • 😞this Is An Example Of One Of The Many Roadblocks That Someone With Anxiety May Face. We Overthink And Overanalyze Every Step And It's Possible Numerous Outcomes. It Is Exhausting To Say The Least. . . . ❤️comment Below If You Can Relate❤️. • • @anxietycoachleigha . . . #suicideprevention #suicideawareness #suicideisnottheanswer #suicidequote #suicide #suicidal #depression #depressionawareness #depressionhelp #anxiety #anxietyawareness #endthestigma #stopthestigma #yourenotalone #endstigma #stigmafree #stigma #stigmafighter #supportsaveslives #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #ptsd #trauma #mentalillness #bipolar #mentalillnessawareness #itsokaynottobeokay #asafeplaceinsideyourhead
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