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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Hey Pandas, What Is Your Favorite Christmas Tradition?
I live alone. I don't celebrate Christmas. it's great. Would recommend.
I don’t understand why people are on Twitter / X.
It seems like a big toxic, waste of energy to me…
Hey Pandas, What Is Your Favorite Christmas Tradition?
Watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Don't know why, but it's a must.
Hey Pandas, What Is Your Favorite Christmas Tradition?
I live alone. I don't celebrate Christmas. it's great. Would recommend.
MarvelousOxman reply
I am convinced the people who actually want a zombie apocalypse to happen just have fantasies of brutally and indiscriminately killing strangers without any moral consideration.
bigblindmax reply
Mass deportations. I don’t think people really think through what the reality of that looks like.