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Joe Anderson
Community Member
1 posts
25 points
Touch grass, it's not as scary as it looks
Joe Anderson • upvoted 26 items 2 years ago
What's A Rule That Everyone Should Have To Obey?
1. DOnt murder 2. If you dont have consent, dont proceed ( not just sex) 3. dont litterHey Pandas, Comment On Something You Want Me To Debate With You
A man cannot become a woman and a woman cannot become a man.What's A Rule That Everyone Should Have To Obey?
If somebody isnt harming others then let them do whatever they want. Too many people try to interfere in others lives just to tell them how to live themWhat's A Rule That Everyone Should Have To Obey?
The Jewish version of the golden rule: Don't do unto others as you would not have them do unto you. Small change but a big difference!What's A Rule That Everyone Should Have To Obey?
Rule #1: Don’t be a d*ck. Rule #2: Refer to rule 1.Hey Pandas, What's One Statement That Shouldn't Be Controversial But It Is?
Jesus would have never approved of what is going on right now. The hate and anger in our world would disgust him. We’ve morphed Jesus into somebody he’s not and keep forgetting the basic message: love and respect everybody, not just a choice few.Hey Pandas, What Is Your Favorite Article Of Clothing?
A pair of socks, truly the only thing you need in life.Hey Pandas, What's One Statement That Shouldn't Be Controversial But It Is?
No matter what you say, you can always offend someone in someway. There can never be a way to not offend everyone, that would be impossible.Hey Pandas, What's One Statement That Shouldn't Be Controversial But It Is?
Everyone deserves basic human rightsHey Pandas, What's One Statement That Shouldn't Be Controversial But It Is?
Anti-abortionism is based solely on religion. The government, therefore, has no business whatsoever legislating it's availability or lack thereof. By banning abortion, the government is affirming one religion over another. That is unconstitutional. See the First Amendment. It's fine to believe that life begins at conception. That belief is faith-based, though. There are other religions whose traditions maintain that life doesn't even begin until birth, in some religions even days after birth. By banning abortion, women of those religions are being denied their religious freedomHey Pandas, What's One Statement That Shouldn't Be Controversial But It Is?
U2 and Coldplay are overrated.Hey Pandas, What's One Statement That Shouldn't Be Controversial But It Is?
Hershys chocolate is bad and pineapple belongs on pizza. And oreos suck.What's One Statement That Shouldn't Be Controversial But It Is?
Political parties don’t matter. Shouldn’t even exist. I don’t need to argue with everyone about everything until the end of time just because one is red and the other is blue. I don’t have to agree with everyone either. Just because you think you’re right doesn’t mean you have to be a pain about it. Yelling at someone won’t change their mind. Our president should be a cat. They’re just about as selfless as any we’ve ever had. I’ve got 4 and they’d eat me if I slept in too late.Show All 26 Upvotes
Joe Anderson • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Joe Anderson • started following a person 2 years ago
Joe Anderson • commented on 3 posts 2 years ago
Show All 3 Comments
Joe Anderson • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago
Joe Anderson • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Joe Anderson • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago
Joe Anderson • commented on 3 posts 2 years ago
Joe Anderson • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, Comment On Something You Want Me To Debate With You
A man cannot become a woman and a woman cannot become a man.What's A Rule That Everyone Should Have To Obey?
If somebody isnt harming others then let them do whatever they want. Too many people try to interfere in others lives just to tell them how to live themWhat's A Rule That Everyone Should Have To Obey?
The Jewish version of the golden rule: Don't do unto others as you would not have them do unto you. Small change but a big difference!What's A Rule That Everyone Should Have To Obey?
1. DOnt murder 2. If you dont have consent, dont proceed ( not just sex) 3. dont litterWhat's A Rule That Everyone Should Have To Obey?
Rule #1: Don’t be a d*ck. Rule #2: Refer to rule 1.Hey Pandas, What's One Statement That Shouldn't Be Controversial But It Is?
Jesus would have never approved of what is going on right now. The hate and anger in our world would disgust him. We’ve morphed Jesus into somebody he’s not and keep forgetting the basic message: love and respect everybody, not just a choice few.Hey Pandas, What Is Your Favorite Article Of Clothing?
A pair of socks, truly the only thing you need in life.Hey Pandas, What's One Statement That Shouldn't Be Controversial But It Is?
Anti-abortionism is based solely on religion. The government, therefore, has no business whatsoever legislating it's availability or lack thereof. By banning abortion, the government is affirming one religion over another. That is unconstitutional. See the First Amendment. It's fine to believe that life begins at conception. That belief is faith-based, though. There are other religions whose traditions maintain that life doesn't even begin until birth, in some religions even days after birth. By banning abortion, women of those religions are being denied their religious freedomHey Pandas, What's One Statement That Shouldn't Be Controversial But It Is?
Hershys chocolate is bad and pineapple belongs on pizza. And oreos suck.What's One Statement That Shouldn't Be Controversial But It Is?
Political parties don’t matter. Shouldn’t even exist. I don’t need to argue with everyone about everything until the end of time just because one is red and the other is blue. I don’t have to agree with everyone either. Just because you think you’re right doesn’t mean you have to be a pain about it. Yelling at someone won’t change their mind. Our president should be a cat. They’re just about as selfless as any we’ve ever had. I’ve got 4 and they’d eat me if I slept in too late. Joe Anderson • is following a person
Joe Anderson • 1 follower