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Space Whale
Community Member
Favourite food: hawian style pizza
Favourite pass time: TV / crafting / bored Panda
Favourite animals: ermines, pigs and hedgehogs
Fears/phobias:Spiders,snakes ,anything venomous,large bodies of water,death,being taken away from my loved ones, ect
Sexuality: pan
Nationality: British
P.S. previously Floofy Husky Puppy , Black Pug Puppy , flooffy Samoyed
The reason I included this one (☝️) is because on old comments my actual username doesn't show up however my pfp does. Idk.
If you reply to one of my comment I will try to respond and if I can't I will give you an upvote.
Thank you to all the people that follow me.
You got this far. I can't believe it. You just wasted at least one minute. Since you know all about me now I guess I should invite you to Christmas (yes I do celebrate Christmas however not religiously just as a fun reason to put up a tree and open presents).
Support Ukraine!🇺🇦
Here's a piece of chocolate.🍫 .
Also of you see one of my comments say hi!