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steadfast treacle
Community Member
1 posts
113 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
steadfast treacle • submitted a new post 2 years ago
steadfast treacle • commented on 22 posts 2 years ago
Show All 22 Comments
steadfast treacle • upvoted 13 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Useless Argument You Have Ever Had?
If asexuality is a phase. For context, my neighbors are homophobic and as per my username, I’m ace. They somehow found out and while I was helping them with their garden they went on this lecture that asexuality is a phase and that I’ll get over myself when I find a nice man. I argued with them for almost 3 years about this until my family moved, but now that I’m thinking about it, it was a waste of time anyway. They will always be homophobic, no matter how hard I try or how nicely I explain to them the concept of asexuality.Hey Pandas, Let’s Make Someone’s Day
Hello Stranger! If you feel unloved, you're wrong! Ha. I love you so thats one person at least :) Any small thing you do is an accomplishment. You got out of bed this morning and took out that trash? You are amazing and you have done something with your day! Any little thing is at least a thing. Love, me!Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Useless Argument You Have Ever Had?
In fifth grade with my friend over who is more mature. He has ADHD so he tends to act immature (not saying that’s what ADHD does he just gets hyper and acts immature sometimes) and I would keep bugging him saying I’m more mature. We eventually realized how dumb this was and stopped. And I realized how much I liked him especially with his quirks! Caring and fun like Pikachu!Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Useless Argument You Have Ever Had?
Trying to correct someone trying to mansplain my bra size to me, he was certain that I, an owner of breasts did not know my own bra size. It ended with me buying one in the size he was certain I should be wearing to prove him wrong.Show All 13 Upvotes
steadfast treacle • submitted 4 list additions 2 years ago
steadfast treacle • submitted a new post 2 years ago
steadfast treacle • submitted 5 list additions 2 years ago
steadfast treacle • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
steadfast treacle • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
riedmae reply
We do **stupid**s**t. But thankfully we don't think shark fins will make our d***s bigger.Low_Lettuce_8467 reply
America isn’t the best by far, but as an African American I know the racism in other big countries is way more overt, I’ve experienced it and sadly realized America is one of the few places I can live in somewhat peaceAzzyKaz reply
Europe has a racism problem as well. I moved from America to Europe and yall jump through so many hoops to pretend that America is the only place with racism despite how blaringly blatant it is in Europe. Edit: obviously I know Europe is not a singular country, I just did not feel like listing all the European countries I've lived in or traveled too. Editedit: If yall really wanna focus more on the fact that I said Europe instead of listing every country I've ever been to than on the racism thing then you're really just proving my point.Sparrowhawk-Ahra reply
Everyone likes to harp on our past of slavery but we didn't invent, nor were we the biggest ones to do it. If we cast a light upon other countries past they would look bad also. Humans in general are incredibly sh*tty throughout time.WRiPSTER reply
Twitter/Reddit are probably the worst representation of american culture possible. Life outside these two platforms are completely different no matter what way you spin it. Reason being, extremist opinions are the ones that get the most fake internet points, so thats all you will ever see.spade13F reply
The government is not an accurate reflection of the people. The vast majority of Americans are moderates who have views all over the spectrum depending on the topic.GoodOpinionHaver reply
A lot of the world may know the origin story of America. At its core, it began as an experiment in decentralization of authority with the goal that there would be no overarching ruler deciding what you can and can't do. That's why the concept of states' rights exist. What the world may not know is how extreme that concept has become over the last 50 or so years. At this time, it's more apt to say that your employer's HR policybook has far more say over your life than any law, be it local, state, or federal. Things have become so skewed in favor of "job creators" that depending on who you work for, you could be free as in freedom, or you could be no better off than an indentured servant. Think about what other countries' governments give their citizens as a right of citizenship: health care, higher education, comped maternity leave, childcare subsidies, guaranteed minimum time off, adequate public transit, just to name a few. Think about what the US government doesn't offer: all of the above, and more. But there are some corporations who do offer equivalents to those: health insurance, tuition reimbursement, per-employer maternity leave policy (which is typically not very generous), and lately some have been extending perks like unlimited vacation (still subject to your manager's approval), transit pass reimbursement, or private shuttles. The truth is our government really is only good at two things, and that's incarcerating people and findng money to build weapons with. Everything else, they delegate to "job creators". That's why there's such a huge obsession with job creators here - they're the only way most will experience even a fraction of the amenities that other nations' citizens take for granted. It's a double-edged sword though. Many states are "at-will" states - meaning your employer can fire you for any reason at any time, including no reason. That, combined with everything I described above, means that most people live under the fear of losing their job. Because if you lose your job in America, you have nothing. Employers have taken this position of power and leveraged it to have near-complete control over the day-to-day operations of society, and to government, to an almost equal extent. Labor has little power over their lives and their country. America isn't a dictatorship. It's a nation of a hundred thousand micro-dictatorships, each presiding over everyone on their payroll. EDIT: made wording less unjiveyCsj2454 reply
That someone personally spent over $400 million on a replica of Noah’s ark in Kentucky. Like actually. I’m not even kidding. It’s several football fields long.Glittering-Clock-332 reply
We aren't uncultured because we don't travel, it's just that our states are the size of your countries. I can drive 8 hours in my state, and still be in my state.and then you have TexasRioBlue93 reply
Despite there being an obesity epidemic, there are many MANY children who are hungry. Unfortunately, the foster care system is a worse outcome sometimes. We have many, many hungry children.Arik_the_Bruce reply
I went to Italy and there was a restaurant selling "American pizza" which was pizza with french fries hot dogs and more ranch than pizza. He said it's authentic American pizza and it's how everyone eats pizza over there. I told him I'm from America and I've never once seen anyone eat that... He told me i was wrong and it's how all Americas eat pizza Y'all are crazy tooThis Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
steadfast treacle • 12 followers