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Tibor Galamb
Community Member
Tibor Galamb is an award winning international photographer, currently based in European Union (mainly United Kingdom, Hungary, Lithuania). He specialises in fashion and creative advertising photography and available for commissioned work in the European Union and worldwide.
His first work consisted mainly of architecture and landscape images. After 3 years of studying civil engineering at Budapest University of Technology, he moved on to photography and completing his bachelor degree in Professional Photography at Abertay University of Dundee in 2013. During his study Tibor started working in different areas of photography to improve his skills and gain experience in working with clients.
The combination of his former experiences from the film industry and the civil engineering helped him to build up a strong and unique visual style. This visual style and the high quality results, quickly made him popular among creatives. Different magazines started to publish his work and advertising agencies started to commission him.
With a wide range of experience, Tibor is available for various assignments.