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This IG Page Is Dedicated To Sharing The Most Hilariously Random Memes, And Here Are 50 Of Them
50 Christmas Tree Pics People Just Had To Take As They Did Such An Amazing Job (New Pics)
Winner Category Mammals And Overall Winner Npoty 2024: "Games Between Siblings" By Paolo Della Rocca
currycurrycurry15 reply
Delhi, India. 2009. Even in the airport there was no concept of personal space and random men would be practically on top of you. The smell of body odor overwhelming. Once we stepped out of the airport it was hot and muggy, intensifying all the smells of rotting trash and sewage contents. The streets insanely crowded with people and cows walking in and out of traffic, families with 5+ people riding on a single motorbike.
Upon entering this clustered traffic, people and children were trying to open the cab doors, making the international signs for “money” and “food”. My dad gave us all cash to pass around. One of the people who approached the car window on my side was a little girl around 7 years old who was carrying a baby that was clearly deceased. People with horrific disabilities sat on the sidewalk begging for money and grabbing at you. Men ogle you and attempt to subtly grab you as they pass you. Keep in mind, I was still a minor when we went.
Alongside the malnourished children, rats, garbage, everything, were beautiful and well kept mansions with high walls and gates. A shocking contrast.
It was the worst place I have been out of 30+ countries because it was breathtakingly sad. The wealth disparity, pain, hygiene, it isn’t their fault. I love so much of the culture, the food, the history, the natural beauty but in Delhi it was overshadowed by the byproducts of poverty.