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Taylor Hartman
Community Member
1 posts
49 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Taylor Hartman • upvoted 29 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, How Do You Want Your Funeral To Go?
I want somebody dressed like a FBI agent to stand in a corner and whisper into a walkie talkie "don't worry, she's really dead this time."Hey Pandas, How Do You Want Your Funeral To Go?
Okay, so, GIANT KAHOOT about my life, whoever wins gets everything I haven't left to anyone, and the loser has to make a speech about how much of an amazing person I was while being recorded. (for the laughs, of course) And then while my coffin is being lowered into the ground, stayin alive starts playing. It will also include a gigantic food fight in my honor.How Do You Want Your Funeral To Go?
Near the end of my funeral, i want all the music to cut out. Then i want the crank on my coffin to turn slowly, while Pop goes the weasel plays getting faster so the people attending my funeral to get on edge awaiting something terrifying, and when the song is done, i want my corpse to jump out. Making everybody scream!Painting Of The Caiscais Coastline In Portugal Based On A Picture I Took While Cycling Along The Coast
40 Design Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account
Well It's The Best Eye I've Drawn And Even Though It's Not Nearly As Good As The Other Post I Wanted To Show It.
40 Design Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account
Meet The Persian Cat Barnaby Who Always Looks Like He Didn't Have His Morning Coffee Yet (30 Pics)
Show All 29 Upvotes
Taylor Hartman • submitted a list addition 3 years ago
Taylor Hartman • commented on 10 posts 3 years ago
40 Design Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account
Show All 10 Comments
Taylor Hartman • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Taylor Hartman • submitted 6 list additions 3 years ago
Taylor Hartman • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
40 Design Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account
Taylor Hartman • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, How Do You Want Your Funeral To Go?
I want somebody dressed like a FBI agent to stand in a corner and whisper into a walkie talkie "don't worry, she's really dead this time."How Do You Want Your Funeral To Go?
Near the end of my funeral, i want all the music to cut out. Then i want the crank on my coffin to turn slowly, while Pop goes the weasel plays getting faster so the people attending my funeral to get on edge awaiting something terrifying, and when the song is done, i want my corpse to jump out. Making everybody scream!Hey Pandas, How Do You Want Your Funeral To Go?
Okay, so, GIANT KAHOOT about my life, whoever wins gets everything I haven't left to anyone, and the loser has to make a speech about how much of an amazing person I was while being recorded. (for the laughs, of course) And then while my coffin is being lowered into the ground, stayin alive starts playing. It will also include a gigantic food fight in my honor.I'm 9, I Love Almost Any Kind Of Art, Although I Suck At It, I Love Wolves And This Is... My Wolf Art.
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