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2 posts
21 points
I like scary anything! My fav movie is Nightmare B4 Christmas.
I love food and photography, and I'm weird af.
JACK SKELLINGTONNNN • submitted 2 list additions 3 years ago
JACK SKELLINGTONNNN • upvoted 34 items 3 years ago
What Was The Most Embarrassing Moment Of Your Life?
One time, I was in gym and we had to run up a hill backward. I fell twice on my butt.Men-Received-Best-Compliments-From-Woman
My girlfriends grandmother has Alzheimer’s, so she doesn’t remember meeting me. Every time we go and see her, she’ll take my girlfriend to the side and ask “Who is that handsome young man?” While pointing to me.Men-Received-Best-Compliments-From-Woman
A girl once told me I saved her life because (unknown to me) she was battling depression when I happened to show up with her favor Starbucks drink to congratulate her on her new job. You never know the impact your small deeds can do.Men-Received-Best-Compliments-From-Woman
"you're really funny, i like you". some really cute girl said this to me quite a while ago, had me nearly crying since i dont get complimented at all, i dont even compliment my self. cried for 10 minutes when i got back homeMen-Received-Best-Compliments-From-Woman
“The kids are really lucky that you’re their dad.” I was wondering if I’d been doing well as a dad and felt kind of depressed, but hearing that from my sweet wife reaffirmed that I’m doing okay.Men-Received-Best-Compliments-From-Woman
My really sweet young teenage niece told her mom (my sister) that I was the kind of guy she wanted to marry one day. All very innocent and it melted me.Men-Received-Best-Compliments-From-Woman
Walked by a young lady walking into a restaurant. She stopped & came back in to tell me I smell great. I smiled the rest of the dayMen-Received-Best-Compliments-From-Woman
A coworker who I would walk to the bus station with said "I feel safe with you" and as a big hairy dude with resting murder face and a deep voice, that was something absolutely new to me. It's been 6 years and I still think about that compliment.Show All 34 Upvotes
JACK SKELLINGTONNNN • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
JACK SKELLINGTONNNN • started following a person 3 years ago
JACK SKELLINGTONNNN • commented on a post 3 years ago
JACK SKELLINGTONNNN • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
JACK SKELLINGTONNNN • submitted 2 list additions 3 years ago
JACK SKELLINGTONNNN • commented on 8 posts 3 years ago
JACK SKELLINGTONNNN • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
My girlfriends grandmother has Alzheimer’s, so she doesn’t remember meeting me. Every time we go and see her, she’ll take my girlfriend to the side and ask “Who is that handsome young man?” While pointing to me.Men-Received-Best-Compliments-From-Woman
"you're really funny, i like you". some really cute girl said this to me quite a while ago, had me nearly crying since i dont get complimented at all, i dont even compliment my self. cried for 10 minutes when i got back homeMen-Received-Best-Compliments-From-Woman
My really sweet young teenage niece told her mom (my sister) that I was the kind of guy she wanted to marry one day. All very innocent and it melted me.Men-Received-Best-Compliments-From-Woman
Walked by a young lady walking into a restaurant. She stopped & came back in to tell me I smell great. I smiled the rest of the dayMen-Received-Best-Compliments-From-Woman
“The kids are really lucky that you’re their dad.” I was wondering if I’d been doing well as a dad and felt kind of depressed, but hearing that from my sweet wife reaffirmed that I’m doing okay.Men-Received-Best-Compliments-From-Woman
A girl once told me I saved her life because (unknown to me) she was battling depression when I happened to show up with her favor Starbucks drink to congratulate her on her new job. You never know the impact your small deeds can do.Men-Received-Best-Compliments-From-Woman
A coworker who I would walk to the bus station with said "I feel safe with you" and as a big hairy dude with resting murder face and a deep voice, that was something absolutely new to me. It's been 6 years and I still think about that compliment. JACK SKELLINGTONNNN • is following a person