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84 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Anonymous • upvoted 29 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, Tell Me You Hate Bugs Without Telling Me You Hate Bugs
My friend sent me the spider emoji and I didn’t talk to him for a weekHey Pandas, Tell Me You Hate Bugs Without Telling Me You Hate Bugs
My friend have arachnophobia, and once at school a tiny spider dropped behind him during lunch on a piece of invisible spider silk. He freaked out and passed out. The spider was as big as a tiny pill, and the spider actually looked pretty cute with tiny white lines running down it’s tiny feet. My other best friend though—she told me I was demented for thinking a spider is cute. I put the spider outside.Hey Pandas, Tell Me You Hate Bugs Without Telling Me You Hate Bugs
My mom berates me when I panic after seeing a wasp, and also for not going outside very muchHey Pandas, Tell Me You Hate Bugs Without Telling Me You Hate Bugs
If I hear the words bed bugs I check all of my beds and freak out when I'm sleeping and I get an itch. Sometimes I freak out when my head itches to much because I might have lice. I had lice at least three time growing up. We had bed bugs once. Oh God bed bugs are awful.Hey Pandas, Tell Me You Hate Bugs Without Telling Me You Hate Bugs
Most of them are dirty and carry diseases. I don't need that in my house or in my life.Hey Pandas, Tell Me You Hate Bugs Without Telling Me You Hate Bugs
Slept with the light on for a week, even after 'unmentionable' was squished.Hey Pandas, Tell Me You Hate Bugs Without Telling Me You Hate Bugs
I saw Incy Wincy Spider, It climbed up on the wall, Out came my scream and the spider dropped out, Out came the shrieks and cries of terror, So Incy Wincy Spider got thrown out and about.Hey Pandas, Tell Me You Hate Bugs Without Telling Me You Hate Bugs
I didn't sleep for about 2-3 days after seeing a massive a*s spiderShow All 29 Upvotes
Anonymous • commented on 9 posts 2 years ago
Show All 9 Comments
Anonymous • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Anonymous • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
Anonymous • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Anonymous • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
Anonymous • commented on 15 posts 2 years ago
Anonymous • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, Tell Me You Hate Bugs Without Telling Me You Hate Bugs
My friend have arachnophobia, and once at school a tiny spider dropped behind him during lunch on a piece of invisible spider silk. He freaked out and passed out. The spider was as big as a tiny pill, and the spider actually looked pretty cute with tiny white lines running down it’s tiny feet. My other best friend though—she told me I was demented for thinking a spider is cute. I put the spider outside.Hey Pandas, Tell Me You Hate Bugs Without Telling Me You Hate Bugs
If I hear the words bed bugs I check all of my beds and freak out when I'm sleeping and I get an itch. Sometimes I freak out when my head itches to much because I might have lice. I had lice at least three time growing up. We had bed bugs once. Oh God bed bugs are awful.Hey Pandas, Tell Me You Hate Bugs Without Telling Me You Hate Bugs
My mom berates me when I panic after seeing a wasp, and also for not going outside very muchHey Pandas, Tell Me You Hate Bugs Without Telling Me You Hate Bugs
My friend sent me the spider emoji and I didn’t talk to him for a weekHey Pandas, Tell Me You Hate Bugs Without Telling Me You Hate Bugs
Most of them are dirty and carry diseases. I don't need that in my house or in my life.Hey Pandas, Tell Me You Hate Bugs Without Telling Me You Hate Bugs
Slept with the light on for a week, even after 'unmentionable' was squished.Hey Pandas, Tell Me You Hate Bugs Without Telling Me You Hate Bugs
I saw Incy Wincy Spider, It climbed up on the wall, Out came my scream and the spider dropped out, Out came the shrieks and cries of terror, So Incy Wincy Spider got thrown out and about.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet