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(Enter Name Here) • started following 3 people 3 years ago
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(Enter Name Here) • upvoted 26 items 3 years ago
What's Your Favorite Song, Why?
well theres two that are tied as my favourite 1. Demolition Lovers by My Chemical Romance, because its incredibly emotional and 2. In the Name of God (Deus Vult) by Powerwolf, because its just good imoWhat's Your Favorite Song, Why?
A Whiter Shade Of Pale by Procol Harum, because it's very ethereal. I can feel it around me in the air.What's Your Favorite Song, Why?
Mine is 'Are you bored yet?" By Wallows. I think it's cute and it makes me happy any time I hear it.Hey Pandas, What Is The Worst Thing Your So-Called Best Friend Said To You?
Their gender fluid but refuses to use my name and pronounsHey Pandas, What Is The Worst Thing Your So-Called Best Friend Said To You?
“Reese we all know your an attention seeker,stop saying your trans”Butterfly-Effect-Stories
I was walking to school and got distracted by a hedgehog that ran in a bush next to me then a big ass tree branch fell infront of me, would've crushed me if I didn't get distracted by a spikey little mouse scurrying in the bushes. I gave him a dead cricket the next day, he took it and ran off. God speed spikey mouse.Hey Pandas, What Was Your Worst Experience With Anyone?
I always feel like my stuff aren't so bad. Lol. I was crushing hard on a girl when I was in high school. She was a ex of a friend of mine (first red flag lol) and I would pine over this girl constantly. Like I would get her stuff or she would say what she wanted for her bday and I'll get it. It lasted all the way to university. I'd tell her how I feel and she' say she isn't ready for a relationship right now but would start dating someone like the next day. She would also tell everyone we're just friends, except me. I was young and daft so my crush remained. Lol. Eventually a friend told me that she was dating another friend of ours and she denied it when I asked (this was a normal trend, she would always deny it). So one night...after coming back from hanging out with her and asking her about it I messaged her and told her I had no problem with being her friend, I just didn't like that she would constantly deny or lie about things when I ask her. So I said if she couldn't tell me the truth I can't do it anymore. It's been about 14 years and I haven't spoken to her since.Show All 26 Upvotes
(Enter Name Here) • submitted 9 list additions 3 years ago
(Enter Name Here) • commented on a post 3 years ago
(Enter Name Here) • submitted 5 new posts 3 years ago
(Enter Name Here) • submitted 2 new posts 4 years ago
(Enter Name Here) • submitted 20 list additions 3 years ago
(Enter Name Here) • commented on a post 3 years ago
(Enter Name Here) • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
** @overheardsanfrancisco 🌉 the Presidio. 🗣🧺 overheard By Anonymous 📥 #comeoneileen #overheardsanfrancisco #overheardla
** Happy Pride! @overheardnewyork 2 Train At 14th Street. 🧔👶 overheard By @qunty 📥 #poppadoespreach #overheardnewyork #overheardla
What's Your Favorite Song, Why?
well theres two that are tied as my favourite 1. Demolition Lovers by My Chemical Romance, because its incredibly emotional and 2. In the Name of God (Deus Vult) by Powerwolf, because its just good imoWhat's Your Favorite Song, Why?
A Whiter Shade Of Pale by Procol Harum, because it's very ethereal. I can feel it around me in the air.What's Your Favorite Song, Why?
Mine is 'Are you bored yet?" By Wallows. I think it's cute and it makes me happy any time I hear it. (Enter Name Here) • is following 35 people
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