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myvloggun [[ he/him ]]
Community Member
1 posts
5.6K points
hi, im tommy
avid AI hater (pay actual artists)
myvloggun [[ he/him ]] • commented on a post 7 months ago
myvloggun [[ he/him ]] • upvoted 8 items 7 months ago
Dorkypotato reply
Fixed the leak at Chernobyl, saved the water table for Western Europe. Three guys wearing taped up garbage bags.rap7or reply
Perished in a carbon fiber submarine with a video game controller as the method of controlling the submarine.PlatasaurusOG reply
When I was an Uber driver, I’d sometimes get a car full of girls say something like “You’re not gonna k*ll us, are you?”. I started replying with “Nah. When you’re as good at it as I am - you don’t do it for free.”JackDaBoneMan reply
This is kinda specific to me and those in my situation, but I share the last name of a famous serial killer (VERY distantly related). some women get waaaaay to excited when they find out. The amount of true crime fans who ask me on a date/said yes when I asked because of that has meant I literally have taken it off facebook and don't tell people at first. Even a few months in Ive gotten 'haha lol I only dated you cause it would be wild to be Mrs serial killer'. Its creepy, it makes me feel worthless and yes, I know EVERY DETAIL of what he did, because of course I do everyone sends me the link anytime there is a new doco out. Please don't add my last name to your FB just cause we are dating. No I wont f**k you while we watch a doco on him. Special shout out to women in psych 101.Show All 8 Upvotes
myvloggun [[ he/him ]] • upvoted 9 items 8 months ago
lipflip reply
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. At first its about people taking d***s, than you slowly get the details and the depths of the story about excess, disillusionment, and the American Dream. And then d***s again.Show All 9 Upvotes
myvloggun [[ he/him ]] • commented on 4 posts 8 months ago
Show All 4 Comments
myvloggun [[ he/him ]] • commented on a post 9 months ago
myvloggun [[ he/him ]] • upvoted 4 items 9 months ago
red_herring13 reply
That sometimes, while I was asleep, I'd wake to her petting my hair and telling me that she loved me. She said it in such a loving, quiet voice, it felt almost secret. In those moments, I had never felt so loved. I'd pretend to still be asleep while fading back into it so she wouldn't get embarrassed. We broke up later but I still cherish those moments.red_herring13 reply
That sometimes, while I was asleep, I'd wake to her petting my hair and telling me that she loved me. She said it in such a loving, quiet voice, it felt almost secret. In those moments, I had never felt so loved. I'd pretend to still be asleep while fading back into it so she wouldn't get embarrassed. We broke up later but I still cherish those moments.Show All 4 Upvotes
myvloggun [[ he/him ]] • upvoted 11 items 11 months ago
Mead_and_You reply
Frequently went to this joint called Fat Daddy Burritos, which was the greatest burritory to ever exist. BIG fat burritos for only like 4.50, and no up charge for sour cream, only 25c up charge for guac. One day a commotion was occurring and I looked up to see one of the employees appeared to be choking. I hopped over the counter and Heimlich Maneuvered the ham right out of the kid and all was well. Didn't really think much of it, I don't even think I told my parents about. Well it turns out it was the owner's son, and the next time I came in the owner excitedly came over and showered with with thanks before presenting me with a card that read "The Fattest Daddy", which was signed by him and said I never had to pay for a burrito again. Never had an employee doubt the authenticity of the card for 17 years. I paid for my burrito every once in a while, but would occasionally get caught by the owner who would wack me with a rolled up news paper and tell me to stop trying to pay for burritos. Sadly, Fat Daddy Burritos did not survive the lock down mandate, and the place is now a domino's.Mead_and_You reply
Frequently went to this joint called Fat Daddy Burritos, which was the greatest burritory to ever exist. BIG fat burritos for only like 4.50, and no up charge for sour cream, only 25c up charge for guac. One day a commotion was occurring and I looked up to see one of the employees appeared to be choking. I hopped over the counter and Heimlich Maneuvered the ham right out of the kid and all was well. Didn't really think much of it, I don't even think I told my parents about. Well it turns out it was the owner's son, and the next time I came in the owner excitedly came over and showered with with thanks before presenting me with a card that read "The Fattest Daddy", which was signed by him and said I never had to pay for a burrito again. Never had an employee doubt the authenticity of the card for 17 years. I paid for my burrito every once in a while, but would occasionally get caught by the owner who would wack me with a rolled up news paper and tell me to stop trying to pay for burritos. Sadly, Fat Daddy Burritos did not survive the lock down mandate, and the place is now a domino's.disco-pandas reply
When the registrar was doing the whole “will you Mary take you Bill” bit there was a loud shriek of “BILLLLL!!!!!” Paused the ceremony and everyone was looking round to find the source. The source was a small baby using this opportunity to speak one of their first proper words.Show All 11 Upvotes
myvloggun [[ he/him ]] • commented on 2 posts 11 months ago
myvloggun [[ he/him ]] • submitted a new post 3 years ago
myvloggun [[ he/him ]] • submitted a list addition 1 year ago
myvloggun [[ he/him ]] • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
myvloggun [[ he/him ]] • submitted 8 list additions 3 years ago
myvloggun [[ he/him ]] • submitted 8 list additions 4 years ago
myvloggun [[ he/him ]] • commented on a post 7 months ago
myvloggun [[ he/him ]] • commented on 4 posts 8 months ago
myvloggun [[ he/him ]] • commented on a post 9 months ago
myvloggun [[ he/him ]] • commented on 13 posts 11 months ago
myvloggun [[ he/him ]] • commented on a post 1 year ago
myvloggun [[ he/him ]] • upvoted 9 items 7 months ago
lipflip reply
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. At first its about people taking d***s, than you slowly get the details and the depths of the story about excess, disillusionment, and the American Dream. And then d***s again.JackDaBoneMan reply
This is kinda specific to me and those in my situation, but I share the last name of a famous serial killer (VERY distantly related). some women get waaaaay to excited when they find out. The amount of true crime fans who ask me on a date/said yes when I asked because of that has meant I literally have taken it off facebook and don't tell people at first. Even a few months in Ive gotten 'haha lol I only dated you cause it would be wild to be Mrs serial killer'. Its creepy, it makes me feel worthless and yes, I know EVERY DETAIL of what he did, because of course I do everyone sends me the link anytime there is a new doco out. Please don't add my last name to your FB just cause we are dating. No I wont f**k you while we watch a doco on him. Special shout out to women in psych 101.PlatasaurusOG reply
When I was an Uber driver, I’d sometimes get a car full of girls say something like “You’re not gonna k*ll us, are you?”. I started replying with “Nah. When you’re as good at it as I am - you don’t do it for free.”rap7or reply
Perished in a carbon fiber submarine with a video game controller as the method of controlling the submarine.Dorkypotato reply
Fixed the leak at Chernobyl, saved the water table for Western Europe. Three guys wearing taped up garbage bags. myvloggun [[ he/him ]] • upvoted 11 items 8 months ago
Fails, Funny
Person Asked “Show Me The Worst Character Designs You’ve Ever Seen”, And Here Are 39 Of Them
My Favorite High School English Teacher Posted This Today. We Need More People Like Him In The World
red_herring13 reply
That sometimes, while I was asleep, I'd wake to her petting my hair and telling me that she loved me. She said it in such a loving, quiet voice, it felt almost secret. In those moments, I had never felt so loved. I'd pretend to still be asleep while fading back into it so she wouldn't get embarrassed. We broke up later but I still cherish those moments. myvloggun [[ he/him ]] • is following 106 people
myvloggun [[ he/him ]] • 91 followers