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Snow • upvoted 39 items 3 years ago
Therapist: “I don’t think you’re happy or know what makes you happy. You’ve spent your whole life trying to make others happy and have never focused on yourself. You’ve worked so hard for a life you can put on a post card (wife, great house and career, etc) but I don’t think you want any of it.” Me: You’re crazy. Of course I know what makes me happy! Therapist: Name 5 things. Me: ….. This conversation made me significantly change my ways and has probably been the single most impactful statement in my entire life. She was right.Best-Question-Therapist-Asked-Women
“Is that going to matter 5 years from now? How about 5 months? 5 day? Will it even matter 5 hours from now? Then why are you wasting more than 5 minutes worrying about it?”Best-Question-Therapist-Asked-Women
Therapist: "You realize you're describing domestic abuse" Me: "Oh no, he's never hit me." Therapist proceeds to explain emotional, psychological and financial abuse.Show All 39 Upvotes
Snow • submitted 20 list additions 3 years ago
Snow • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
Snow • upvoted 19 items 3 years ago
“Is that going to matter 5 years from now? How about 5 months? 5 day? Will it even matter 5 hours from now? Then why are you wasting more than 5 minutes worrying about it?”Best-Question-Therapist-Asked-Women
Therapist: “I don’t think you’re happy or know what makes you happy. You’ve spent your whole life trying to make others happy and have never focused on yourself. You’ve worked so hard for a life you can put on a post card (wife, great house and career, etc) but I don’t think you want any of it.” Me: You’re crazy. Of course I know what makes me happy! Therapist: Name 5 things. Me: ….. This conversation made me significantly change my ways and has probably been the single most impactful statement in my entire life. She was right.Best-Question-Therapist-Asked-Women
Therapist: "You realize you're describing domestic abuse" Me: "Oh no, he's never hit me." Therapist proceeds to explain emotional, psychological and financial abuse. Snow • 23 followers