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1 posts
60 points
I'm just here to mess around I have no idea what to do and.....if you don't have something nice to say don't say it at allI'm just saying this for my self-esteem I don't want it any lower than it is
ThatRandomWeeb • commented on 35 posts 4 years ago
Show All 35 Comments
ThatRandomWeeb • upvoted 4 items 4 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is The Worst Reason You Got Grounded For?
My friend disappeared from church activities for a few weeks. When she came back, I asked her why she was gone. She said she'd been grounded because her car had to go to the shop. After much conversation, I figured out that the oil light had come on and they had to get an oil change. Her mother apparently had been driving all her adult life without knowing that she needed to change the oil regularly, and had grounded my friend because of the "extra" cost. (My friend's mom was divorced, so I assume her ex-husband took care of car maintenance while they were married. But how her cars survived the years between her divorce and this incident is a mystery to me. Needless to say, I informed my friend of the basics of car care so it wasn't a problem any more.)Show All 4 Upvotes
ThatRandomWeeb • started following a person 4 years ago
This Panda hasn't posted anything yet
ThatRandomWeeb • commented on 20 posts 4 years ago
ThatRandomWeeb • upvoted 4 items 4 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is The Worst Reason You Got Grounded For?
My friend disappeared from church activities for a few weeks. When she came back, I asked her why she was gone. She said she'd been grounded because her car had to go to the shop. After much conversation, I figured out that the oil light had come on and they had to get an oil change. Her mother apparently had been driving all her adult life without knowing that she needed to change the oil regularly, and had grounded my friend because of the "extra" cost. (My friend's mom was divorced, so I assume her ex-husband took care of car maintenance while they were married. But how her cars survived the years between her divorce and this incident is a mystery to me. Needless to say, I informed my friend of the basics of car care so it wasn't a problem any more.) ThatRandomWeeb • is following a person
ThatRandomWeeb • 5 followers