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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
PancakeLad reply
I’ve been a flight attendant for 24 years and I always get people who say “oh I bet that’s fun!” And they think it’s glamorous.
I’m a waiter in a bad restaurant that can’t throw out patrons who get too belligerent with me.
To be fair, the travel is fun and if I hated the job, I wouldn’t have done it for so long. But the thing that’s kept me here this long is that I’m in a union and I have health insurance.
PancakeLad reply
I’ve been a flight attendant for 24 years and I always get people who say “oh I bet that’s fun!” And they think it’s glamorous.
I’m a waiter in a bad restaurant that can’t throw out patrons who get too belligerent with me.
To be fair, the travel is fun and if I hated the job, I wouldn’t have done it for so long. But the thing that’s kept me here this long is that I’m in a union and I have health insurance.