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Disposable_Cicada • upvoted an item 5 months ago
Disposable_Cicada • upvoted 2 items 6 months ago
Disposable_Cicada • upvoted 7 items 7 months ago
flannelfrankenstein reply
A new boss was hired for my department at work, and a high level woman from corporate was brought in to show him the ropes. My new boss was a sleazy little weirdo. He sort of looked like Beans from “Even Stevens” crossed with Mads Mikkelsen. He kept awkwardly trying to flirt with this incredibly professional and visibly uninterested woman who was just trying to do her job by teaching him how to do his. Things reached peak weirdness on her last day. There we stood, my new boss on one side of the room, our guest on the other side, me in the middle doing some work. New Boss: Well, are you ready to go to lunch? Corporate Woman: Yes, just let me run to the restroom first. New Boss: Oh, why, you gotta POO-POO? I have never in my entire life wished that I could turn into a puddle of liquid and slide out of that room, Secret World of Alex Mack style, than I did at that moment. Fun Fact: He was fired a few months later, but that’s another story for another day.flannelfrankenstein reply
A new boss was hired for my department at work, and a high level woman from corporate was brought in to show him the ropes. My new boss was a sleazy little weirdo. He sort of looked like Beans from “Even Stevens” crossed with Mads Mikkelsen. He kept awkwardly trying to flirt with this incredibly professional and visibly uninterested woman who was just trying to do her job by teaching him how to do his. Things reached peak weirdness on her last day. There we stood, my new boss on one side of the room, our guest on the other side, me in the middle doing some work. New Boss: Well, are you ready to go to lunch? Corporate Woman: Yes, just let me run to the restroom first. New Boss: Oh, why, you gotta POO-POO? I have never in my entire life wished that I could turn into a puddle of liquid and slide out of that room, Secret World of Alex Mack style, than I did at that moment. Fun Fact: He was fired a few months later, but that’s another story for another day.Show All 7 Upvotes
Disposable_Cicada • commented on a post 7 months ago
Disposable_Cicada • upvoted 9 items 8 months ago
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Disposable_Cicada • commented on 2 posts 10 months ago
Disposable_Cicada • upvoted 7 items 10 months ago
someguy69420nice reply
This will probably get buried under all comments but it's one of the strangest small town experiences I have ever had. I don't know the name of it, I was driving in my state on a main highway, traffic was bad and I thought I'd take a back road to get to the old trucking highway (a small "highway" in the rural sense, meaning it's a long road going through a good portion of the state) and go north from there, at the time I didn't have Spotify premium so I listened to the radio. I was following my maps and it took me down some weird back roads, then I lost cell service but was confident that my next move was to stay on this road until it hit the 37. I kept driving and the radio station faded out, I changed it over to another station and it was a Christian hymn station, not unheard of in rural Michigan. I kept going through all the stations my car could receive, religious talk radio, more hymns, there were only 3 or 4 stations I would receive. As I kept driving I came into a small town, and immediately the vibes felt off. I had left my radio on the Christian talk radio station just to have something in car and the signal was fading, but another signal was coming through. It was still christian talk radio but this pastor was very traditional fire and brimstone. Ranting and raving about the need to repent and beg God for salvation, all the different reasons I'm going to hell, and what awaits me there. As I was driving through I entered into the down town, it was what you would expect from a small downtown strip but there were no people out and about, no cars on the road, I even tried to glance into the shops and restaurants but I didn't see anyone! Then the church bell started ringing so I checked the time, thinking it must be a new hour (some small towns still have a bell that rings on the hour to let you know the time) but it was 3:15. As the bell rang I noticed I could faintly hear it through my radio, which freaked me out a bit, because that would mean that this is a live broadcast from inside the church. The part that terrified me the most was hearing this pastor stop his sermon, and say "god has brought us a visitor, welcome to our paradise friend, please stay with us a while." I tried to brush it off as a coincidence, fully expected to hear another voice on the radio, but it was silent, then I heard a hymn that I was not familiar with being sung in the background. I figured that was enough of that, I'd stop at the gas station at the end of the downtown area, get some gas, and ask for directions. As I pulled into the gas station the pastor then said "we all need to refuel ourselves on the journey God has set for us" I have never left a town so fast in my life. I didn't care if I'd run out of gas, it would have been better to be 30 minutes down the road, than spend another minute in that town. As I was driving away, looking in the rearview, I noticed there were people downtown, a large group, standing in the middle of the road, walking. I made it to the highway and stopped for gas. Since then I've tried to look for this place on Google maps, but I have yet to find it. If you're ever in the middle of nowhere, and all the stations are local church radio, I hope you have enough gas to get where you're going!Show All 7 Upvotes
Disposable_Cicada • upvoted 8 items 11 months ago
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Disposable_Cicada • commented on 3 posts 11 months ago
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Disposable_Cicada • submitted 7 list additions 1 year ago
Disposable_Cicada • commented on a post 7 months ago
Disposable_Cicada • commented on 2 posts 10 months ago
Disposable_Cicada • commented on 3 posts 11 months ago
Disposable_Cicada • commented on 14 posts 1 year ago
Disposable_Cicada • upvoted an item 5 months ago
Disposable_Cicada • upvoted 3 items 6 months ago
Disposable_Cicada • upvoted 8 items 7 months ago
flannelfrankenstein reply
A new boss was hired for my department at work, and a high level woman from corporate was brought in to show him the ropes. My new boss was a sleazy little weirdo. He sort of looked like Beans from “Even Stevens” crossed with Mads Mikkelsen. He kept awkwardly trying to flirt with this incredibly professional and visibly uninterested woman who was just trying to do her job by teaching him how to do his. Things reached peak weirdness on her last day. There we stood, my new boss on one side of the room, our guest on the other side, me in the middle doing some work. New Boss: Well, are you ready to go to lunch? Corporate Woman: Yes, just let me run to the restroom first. New Boss: Oh, why, you gotta POO-POO? I have never in my entire life wished that I could turn into a puddle of liquid and slide out of that room, Secret World of Alex Mack style, than I did at that moment. Fun Fact: He was fired a few months later, but that’s another story for another day.Stormdrain11 reply
The Phantom, Phantom of the Opera. Partially because I'm insane, partially because Raul is a joke, and partially because Gerard Butler is f*****g hot. Disposable_Cicada • upvoted 8 items 8 months ago
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