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Stannous Flouride
Community Member
I make things and do things
50 Times People Saw Something ‘Mildly Interesting’ And Knew The Best Group To Share It In (New Pics)
50 Times People Saw Something ‘Mildly Interesting’ And Knew The Best Group To Share It In (New Pics)
50 Times People Saw Something ‘Mildly Interesting’ And Knew The Best Group To Share It In (New Pics)
Dawgfanwill reply
There's a scene in Star Trek: Generations in which Data laughs at a joke that was told to him by Geordi LaForge in the first episode seven years earlier. When this is pointed out, Data says, "I know! I just got it! Very funny!"
Flash back to 1987 and the first time watching Spaceballs. Colonels Sandurz says, "Prepare ship for metamorphosis! Ready, Kafka?" I had no idea what that line meant, but the delivery made me laugh.
Flash forward to 1997. I'm working in a bookstore, restocking the paperback classics when I pull out a small stack of, you guessed it, The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. I burst out laughing.
Then I almost immediately thought of Data's line and started laughing even harder.
It was a good day.