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Alison • upvoted 28 items 10 months ago
TIL that only about 20% of homes in the UK are completely detached with zero shared walls, whereas, almost 85% of homes in the US are detached.Today-I-Learned
TIL about a phenomenon called "delayed implantation" in grizzly bears. The embryo will start gestation only after the mama bear has gained enough weight to avoid death by starvation during hibernation.Today-I-Learned
TIL the next periodical emergence of the 13- and 17-year cicada broods is 2024. The last time these insects co-emerged was 221 years ago while Thomas Jefferson was president.Today-I-Learned
TIL: Giant Tortoises lacked a scientific name for 300 years; as sailors devoured them on return trips. Comics
99 Relatable Illustrations From An Artist Sharing Moments Of Their Long-Distance Relationship
Parenting, Social Issues
Employers Aren't Happy With Gen Z Employees' Work Ethic, Netizens Join Heated Discussion Over It
JustAnotherFool896 reply
Ask to get it in writing. If someone is refusing you things you know you have the right to, request that they write (or type, doesn't matter) what they said on paper. They will back down almost 100% of the time. It goes from they said/I said to a legally accountable document, and if you're being gaslighted, they know they're denying you your rights it and would never want to provide you with a document that confirms that they were talking s**t.Show All 28 Upvotes
Alison • submitted 3 list additions 2 years ago
Alison • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago
Alison • submitted 3 list additions 4 years ago
Alison • commented on 12 posts 1 year ago
Alison • commented on 5 posts 2 years ago
Alison • commented on a post 3 years ago
Alison • commented on a post 4 years ago
Alison • upvoted 20 items 10 months ago
TIL: Giant Tortoises lacked a scientific name for 300 years; as sailors devoured them on return trips.Today-I-Learned
TIL that only about 20% of homes in the UK are completely detached with zero shared walls, whereas, almost 85% of homes in the US are detached.Today-I-Learned
TIL the next periodical emergence of the 13- and 17-year cicada broods is 2024. The last time these insects co-emerged was 221 years ago while Thomas Jefferson was president.Today-I-Learned
TIL about a phenomenon called "delayed implantation" in grizzly bears. The embryo will start gestation only after the mama bear has gained enough weight to avoid death by starvation during hibernation.JustAnotherFool896 reply
Ask to get it in writing. If someone is refusing you things you know you have the right to, request that they write (or type, doesn't matter) what they said on paper. They will back down almost 100% of the time. It goes from they said/I said to a legally accountable document, and if you're being gaslighted, they know they're denying you your rights it and would never want to provide you with a document that confirms that they were talking s**t.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Alison • 26 followers