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Gadsen F. Lagg
Community Member
1 posts
2 points
I’m a lazy panda who forgot to write a profile description.
Gadsen F. Lagg • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Gadsen F. Lagg • commented on 7 posts 3 years ago
Show All 7 Comments
Gadsen F. Lagg • upvoted 32 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is Your Craziest Story From High School?
Biggest scandal was when a teacher "retired" then got married to one of the seniors.Hey Pandas, What Is Your Craziest Story From High School?
In my civics class (~1993) there was a kid who was normally in the "special needs" classes, but for some reason he was in this class with us. He and the teacher would sometimes get into yelling at each other and arguing. One day the kid is standing in front of the class while he and the teacher are yelling at each other. They are both in each other's faces standing there when the kid goes to swing his foot and try to kick the teacher. The teacher tried to swing his hips backwards to avoid being kicked and he only needed about a millimeter more to avoid it. Unfortunately, the kids foot kicked the button off the teachers pants (he wasn't wearing a belt) and the teachers pants fell down around his ankles. At this point, the kid bolted out of the room and the teacher was trying to pull up his pants and chase after him at the same time and kept tripping over himself. Yeah, good times!Show All 32 Upvotes
Gadsen F. Lagg • submitted a new post 3 years ago
This Panda hasn't posted anything yet
Gadsen F. Lagg • commented on 7 posts 3 years ago
Gadsen F. Lagg • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is Your Craziest Story From High School?
Biggest scandal was when a teacher "retired" then got married to one of the seniors.Hey Pandas, What Is Your Craziest Story From High School?
In my civics class (~1993) there was a kid who was normally in the "special needs" classes, but for some reason he was in this class with us. He and the teacher would sometimes get into yelling at each other and arguing. One day the kid is standing in front of the class while he and the teacher are yelling at each other. They are both in each other's faces standing there when the kid goes to swing his foot and try to kick the teacher. The teacher tried to swing his hips backwards to avoid being kicked and he only needed about a millimeter more to avoid it. Unfortunately, the kids foot kicked the button off the teachers pants (he wasn't wearing a belt) and the teachers pants fell down around his ankles. At this point, the kid bolted out of the room and the teacher was trying to pull up his pants and chase after him at the same time and kept tripping over himself. Yeah, good times!People Are Cracking Up At These 40 Memes And Jokes From This Instagram Page Exploring Stereotypical Habits Of Middle-Class Dads
People Are Cracking Up At These 40 Memes And Jokes From This Instagram Page Exploring Stereotypical Habits Of Middle-Class Dads
People Are Cracking Up At These 40 Memes And Jokes From This Instagram Page Exploring Stereotypical Habits Of Middle-Class Dads
People Are Cracking Up At These 40 Memes And Jokes From This Instagram Page Exploring Stereotypical Habits Of Middle-Class Dads
People Are Cracking Up At These 40 Memes And Jokes From This Instagram Page Exploring Stereotypical Habits Of Middle-Class Dads
People Are Cracking Up At These 40 Memes And Jokes From This Instagram Page Exploring Stereotypical Habits Of Middle-Class Dads
People Are Cracking Up At These 40 Memes And Jokes From This Instagram Page Exploring Stereotypical Habits Of Middle-Class Dads
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