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Sophie loves eggos
Community Member
2 posts
32 points
She/her- Straight Ally
Loves 80s movies and stranger things
Sophie loves eggos • upvoted 11 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, Share Your Toxic Friend Stories
I've had a couple of toxic friends so far. One of them was so obsessed with proving me wrong and doing whatever she could to make me feel dumb. She made me feel really stupid and like I would never get anywhere in life because everything I said or did was a joke to her, even if it was something I genuinely believe in or worked hard on. Constantly being treated like an idiot really hurt me and I really struggle with self-acceptance issues. It can be really disheartening to work hard on something and everything turned into competition all the time, and for somebody to care enough about making you feel like you are not worth enough to constantly do better than you. it was super hard because we had been friends for a long time and our parents were friends. I felt like everyone saw her as the superhero and me as the dumb blonde sidekick whose life is a joke. I was always stuck in her shadow, and I died a little inside every time she received praise time after time.Hey Pandas, Share Your Toxic Friend Stories
I've had a couple of toxic friends so far. One of them was so obsessed with proving me wrong and doing whatever she could to make me feel dumb. She made me feel really stupid and like I would never get anywhere in life because everything I said or did was a joke to her, even if it was something I genuinely believe in or worked hard on. Constantly being treated like an idiot really hurt me and I really struggle with self-acceptance issues. It can be really disheartening to work hard on something and everything turned into competition all the time, and for somebody to care enough about making you feel like you are not worth enough to constantly do better than you. it was super hard because we had been friends for a long time and our parents were friends. I felt like everyone saw her as the superhero and me as the dumb blonde sidekick whose life is a joke. I was always stuck in her shadow, and I died a little inside every time she received praise time after time.Hey Pandas, What Is Your Biggest Regret?
Dating my Ex. I’ll give details to why if someone requests it idk.Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Cringiest Thing You've Done?
My best friend and I were on a walk with her dog and for some weird reason I decided to ride her dog like a 'cowboy' (I didnt actually put pressure on the dog's back I sorta just hovered over the dogs back). I was making cowboy noises like "yee haw" and "Giddyup" and mimicking slapping the dog's a**e to make it go 'faster'. I went faster and pulled the dog behind me, sort of going up and down (You know like when you ride horses??). it kiiiiiinda looked like I was humping the dog. We neared the end of the walk and suddenly got jump scared by a group of people FROM MY HIGH SCHOOL, AND THEY HAD SEEN THE WHOLE THING AS THEY WERE HAVING A PICNIC ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD AND I DIDN'T REALISE AS I 'TROTTED' PAST THEM ON MY BEAUTIFUL STEED.Hey Pandas, Tell Me The Scariest Story Y'all Got
This is a true story by the way! I was in my loft bed at the time, so I could only see the top of the door while I was lying down. I woke up in a cold sweat at about 2 am and I heard this weird scratching/footsteps coming down the hallway. It was like soft padding and I didn't recognize it as the footsteps of anyone in the house and I didn't have a dog or cat. I was terrified. Suddenly the door was creaking open and it sounded like something was rubbing against it pushing it open. I heard the soft padding of the footsteps coming into my room and then they stopped. Then I heard a scratching noise. I figured that it was a kidnapper or robber they probably would have killed/taken me already so I finally brought up the courage to ask the google home mini to turn my light on. The lights came on, I peered over the edge of my loft bed and I was extremely relieved to see two little balls of fluff sitting on my carpet. My rabbits had escaped from their X-pen in our living room and had come down to my room. Luckily the little dudes hadn't chewed anything, and were unharmed. They let us pick them up and were very calm about the whole thing. They also got out last year at christmas and chewed the wires for the christmas lights on the trees. We're thinking about free roaming them!!Show All 11 Upvotes
Sophie loves eggos • submitted 14 list additions 3 years ago
Sophie loves eggos • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
Sophie loves eggos • commented on 11 posts 3 years ago
Show All 11 Comments
Sophie loves eggos • started following 2 people 3 years ago
Sophie loves eggos • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
Sophie loves eggos • submitted 14 list additions 3 years ago
Sophie loves eggos • commented on 11 posts 3 years ago
Sophie loves eggos • upvoted 15 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, Share Your Toxic Friend Stories
I've had a couple of toxic friends so far. One of them was so obsessed with proving me wrong and doing whatever she could to make me feel dumb. She made me feel really stupid and like I would never get anywhere in life because everything I said or did was a joke to her, even if it was something I genuinely believe in or worked hard on. Constantly being treated like an idiot really hurt me and I really struggle with self-acceptance issues. It can be really disheartening to work hard on something and everything turned into competition all the time, and for somebody to care enough about making you feel like you are not worth enough to constantly do better than you. it was super hard because we had been friends for a long time and our parents were friends. I felt like everyone saw her as the superhero and me as the dumb blonde sidekick whose life is a joke. I was always stuck in her shadow, and I died a little inside every time she received praise time after time.Hey Pandas, What Is Your Biggest Regret?
Dating my Ex. I’ll give details to why if someone requests it idk.Hey Pandas, Tell Me The Scariest Story Y'all Got
This is a true story by the way! I was in my loft bed at the time, so I could only see the top of the door while I was lying down. I woke up in a cold sweat at about 2 am and I heard this weird scratching/footsteps coming down the hallway. It was like soft padding and I didn't recognize it as the footsteps of anyone in the house and I didn't have a dog or cat. I was terrified. Suddenly the door was creaking open and it sounded like something was rubbing against it pushing it open. I heard the soft padding of the footsteps coming into my room and then they stopped. Then I heard a scratching noise. I figured that it was a kidnapper or robber they probably would have killed/taken me already so I finally brought up the courage to ask the google home mini to turn my light on. The lights came on, I peered over the edge of my loft bed and I was extremely relieved to see two little balls of fluff sitting on my carpet. My rabbits had escaped from their X-pen in our living room and had come down to my room. Luckily the little dudes hadn't chewed anything, and were unharmed. They let us pick them up and were very calm about the whole thing. They also got out last year at christmas and chewed the wires for the christmas lights on the trees. We're thinking about free roaming them!!Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Cringiest Thing You've Done?
My best friend and I were on a walk with her dog and for some weird reason I decided to ride her dog like a 'cowboy' (I didnt actually put pressure on the dog's back I sorta just hovered over the dogs back). I was making cowboy noises like "yee haw" and "Giddyup" and mimicking slapping the dog's a**e to make it go 'faster'. I went faster and pulled the dog behind me, sort of going up and down (You know like when you ride horses??). it kiiiiiinda looked like I was humping the dog. We neared the end of the walk and suddenly got jump scared by a group of people FROM MY HIGH SCHOOL, AND THEY HAD SEEN THE WHOLE THING AS THEY WERE HAVING A PICNIC ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD AND I DIDN'T REALISE AS I 'TROTTED' PAST THEM ON MY BEAUTIFUL STEED. Sophie loves eggos • is following 2 people