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Sophia Gentile
Community Member
1 posts
50 points
Sophia loves to write narratives and novels, loves soccer, sprinting, and swimming. She loves a good funny-animal post, or comic series. She loves to draw all animals. Sophia has a Belgian Malinois named Sparrow, and appreciates all your comments on her posts ❤️ 🐼 💬
Sophia Gentile • upvoted 11 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, Describe A Fictional Character Indirectly, And We’ll Guess Who It Is
His name stands for the number of fears he has. Lives in cave with the rest of the fearless idiots. Falls in love with the “first jumper”.Hey Pandas, Describe A Fictional Character Indirectly, And We’ll Guess Who It Is
Spanish man obsessed with hands and swords, must get revengeShow All 11 Upvotes
Sophia Gentile • commented on 8 posts 3 years ago
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Sophia Gentile • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago
Sophia Gentile • commented on 14 posts 4 years ago
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Sophia Gentile • upvoted 3 items 4 years ago
Show All 3 Upvotes
Sophia Gentile • submitted a list addition 4 years ago
Sophia Gentile • submitted a new post 4 years ago
Sophia Gentile • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago
Sophia Gentile • submitted 7 list additions 4 years ago
Sophia Gentile • commented on 8 posts 3 years ago
Sophia Gentile • commented on 12 posts 4 years ago
Sophia Gentile • upvoted 13 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, Describe A Fictional Character Indirectly, And We’ll Guess Who It Is
His name stands for the number of fears he has. Lives in cave with the rest of the fearless idiots. Falls in love with the “first jumper”.Hey Pandas, Describe A Fictional Character Indirectly, And We’ll Guess Who It Is
Spanish man obsessed with hands and swords, must get revenge Sophia Gentile • upvoted 7 items 4 years ago
Hey Pandas, Tell Us Your Problems And Let's Try To Solve Them In The Comments!
I'm really confused about my sexual orientation but I have no way of figuring it out that I would be comfortable with. I'm just really not sure who I like or anything like that. Please pandas, how did you know you were bi/gay/lesbian?Hey Pandas, Tell Us Your Problems And Let's Try To Solve Them In The Comments!
Ok so if anyone who is struggling rn reads this, try Kooth it's a website where you can anonymously have 1-1 discussions with councillors and you can also talk to children and teens your own age about your problems that they might have too. No, I'm not posting this to get fame coz i work there. I do not work for them. I'm only posting this coz they have helped me out soo much recently and I thought maybe they can help u too. I'm also here for u if u need to talk to someone, you are not alone. Stay safe xxxHey Pandas, Tell Us Your Problems And Let's Try To Solve Them In The Comments!
I can never do anything right. Everything results in self-blame. I feel as if everything would be better if I was gone. I feel like I'm suffocating. I need help but I don't know how to ask. Does needing help make you weak? How do I stop feeling like a burden to everyone around me?This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Sophia Gentile • 33 followers