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Pickle Gurl
Community Member
3 posts
274 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Pickle Gurl • upvoted 7 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, Do You Have Funny Irrational Fears?
I am terrified of bandaids and stickers. It freaks me out how they can be stuck to you at anytime without you knowing. Like if someone is wearing a bandaid I won't touch them at all. Or if a little kid offers me a sticker I literally can't take it.Hey Pandas, Do You Have Funny Irrational Fears?
Finally! Somewhere I can shine. Well, if anyone reads, or even upvotes it. . I can't wear anything around my neck--scarf, necklace, even turtleneck--because I'm afraid if it's caught on something it'll cut off my head.Show All 7 Upvotes
Pickle Gurl • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
Pickle Gurl • commented on a post 2 years ago
Pickle Gurl • upvoted 27 items 3 years ago
Animals, Photography
2021 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards Contestants Once Again Proved That Wildlife Can Be Pretty Hilarious (11 Pics)
Social Issues
Influencer Thinks She's Some VIP, Says Going For Coffee Or A Walk Are Unacceptable First Date Options, People Mock Her
Toilet paper rationing. This was in 1997/98, btw. Apparently the high school girls room was going through too much toilet paper so the dean, a woman, stood outside the door and distributed a few squares of 1-ply institutional toilet paper to us as we went in. If she noticed toilet paper on the floor, our ration got cut down. If we asked for more for...bigger jobs...we were told to saved it for home. There were several episodes of girls stuck in stalls until friends could beg for more TP because of period messes or unexpected bowel incidents. The dean wouldn't even hand it over--she would go in the bathroom and pass it a few squares at a time over the door. If you didn't catch it as it fell and it landed on the floor, well, that's your fault and you're not getting more. If you used more than she thought necessary, tough luck, go to class with blood/sh*t on your body. It took about a week of extremely angry parents coming to the school and calling both the school and the school board, but we finally got our toilet paper back, unlimited. How did we celebrate? By TPing her car, of course.Show All 27 Upvotes
Pickle Gurl • submitted 4 list additions 3 years ago
Pickle Gurl • submitted 3 new posts 3 years ago
Pickle Gurl • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
Pickle Gurl • submitted 19 list additions 3 years ago
Pickle Gurl • commented on a post 2 years ago
Pickle Gurl • commented on 19 posts 3 years ago
Pickle Gurl • upvoted 7 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, Do You Have Funny Irrational Fears?
I am terrified of bandaids and stickers. It freaks me out how they can be stuck to you at anytime without you knowing. Like if someone is wearing a bandaid I won't touch them at all. Or if a little kid offers me a sticker I literally can't take it.Hey Pandas, Do You Have Funny Irrational Fears?
Finally! Somewhere I can shine. Well, if anyone reads, or even upvotes it. . I can't wear anything around my neck--scarf, necklace, even turtleneck--because I'm afraid if it's caught on something it'll cut off my head. Pickle Gurl • upvoted 13 items 3 years ago
Social Issues
Influencer Thinks She's Some VIP, Says Going For Coffee Or A Walk Are Unacceptable First Date Options, People Mock Her
Animals, Photography
2021 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards Contestants Once Again Proved That Wildlife Can Be Pretty Hilarious (11 Pics)
Local Museum Posts Image Of A 1965 School Desk Inscribed With “Benny & Linda”. Benny Responds In Comments
Toilet paper rationing. This was in 1997/98, btw. Apparently the high school girls room was going through too much toilet paper so the dean, a woman, stood outside the door and distributed a few squares of 1-ply institutional toilet paper to us as we went in. If she noticed toilet paper on the floor, our ration got cut down. If we asked for more for...bigger jobs...we were told to saved it for home. There were several episodes of girls stuck in stalls until friends could beg for more TP because of period messes or unexpected bowel incidents. The dean wouldn't even hand it over--she would go in the bathroom and pass it a few squares at a time over the door. If you didn't catch it as it fell and it landed on the floor, well, that's your fault and you're not getting more. If you used more than she thought necessary, tough luck, go to class with blood/sh*t on your body. It took about a week of extremely angry parents coming to the school and calling both the school and the school board, but we finally got our toilet paper back, unlimited. How did we celebrate? By TPing her car, of course. Pickle Gurl • is following 12 people
Pickle Gurl • 45 followers