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2 posts
26 points
Hi, I'm Bush. I'm a bush. I like bushes. Did I say I'm a bush? Oh, did I also forget to say I like bushes? Well, I'm a bush. There's nothing more to me. I'm Bush. I am Bush of many names...
Im_Bush • commented on 6 posts 2 years ago
Show All 6 Comments
Im_Bush • upvoted 18 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Was The Moment When You Realized That You Really Messed Up?
Embarrassing story here. I was leaving the kitchen to make a sharp 90 degree turn to enter the family room and all of the sudden I noticed it was filled with my sisters friends who formed a half circle facing me. They were talking amongst themselves when my sister told me they were friends from her school. I said hi (to the group) and they said hi back. After a pause I heard another make voice say hi (he was behind a couple people). So I said "Hey, sorry I didn't see you there" and when the people in front of him moved I noticed he was a little person (don't know pc name- sorry). So I literally said "sorry I didn't see ya there" to a midget. Red faced with embarrassment I quickly left!Show All 18 Upvotes
Im_Bush • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
Im_Bush • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
This Panda hasn't posted anything yet
Im_Bush • commented on 6 posts 2 years ago
Im_Bush • upvoted 18 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Was The Moment When You Realized That You Really Messed Up?
Embarrassing story here. I was leaving the kitchen to make a sharp 90 degree turn to enter the family room and all of the sudden I noticed it was filled with my sisters friends who formed a half circle facing me. They were talking amongst themselves when my sister told me they were friends from her school. I said hi (to the group) and they said hi back. After a pause I heard another make voice say hi (he was behind a couple people). So I said "Hey, sorry I didn't see you there" and when the people in front of him moved I noticed he was a little person (don't know pc name- sorry). So I literally said "sorry I didn't see ya there" to a midget. Red faced with embarrassment I quickly left!This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Im_Bush • 1 follower