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Emile Warnes
Community Member
2 posts
27 points
Hey other pandas,
am huge sci fi fan, computer game and console geek, movies and anima, spent most of my childhood watching one of the greatest movies ever made, AKIRA over and over again.
Creative wise i do illustrations, concept art, mix digital media art and writing stories.
my latest project is a story made of concept art called The Void, aka the void project,
set in the future where civilization is no more, nature has completely taken back its home, the planet earth.
check out my latest post for concept art from my latest project.
many thanks pandas
Emile warnes
Emile Warnes • submitted a new post 4 years ago
Emile Warnes • submitted a new post 7 years ago
Emile Warnes • submitted a new post 4 years ago
Emile Warnes • submitted a new post 7 years ago
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