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account of gay_cat_man, i lost my password. twice.
current hyperfixation: donnie darko, green day, futurama :D
During The Summer, My School Installed Metal Gates Over The Bathrooms To Keep Us From Going In Between Class
When You Get One Formula Wrong In Our Weekly Tests At My School They Make You Write It Out 150 Times. I Have 4 More Of These To Do
An operator in the control room of a power plant was caught sleeping during his shift. The resulting rule was outlawing any napping/sleeping anywhere on site at any time. Not at breaks or lunchtime, at your desk, in your office or in your car in the parking lot at lunch. And to top it off, keep your office door open at all times to show that you’re working at your desk. They could have just said not to sleep in the control room, but that would be singling a person out.
Zealousideal1999 reply
I am a photographer. One of my new event photography clients gave me a list of instructions that included “Do not photograph close-ups of our employees’s low cut shirts” and I wondered which photographer had done this previously. Yikes.
KnockMeYourLobes reply
I used to work for a school district in the cafeteria. We got 10 days of PTO per year.
One year, a coworker decided that she was going to take an 8 day cruise the second to last week of the school year.
The following year? No taking time off except in medical emergencies the last month of school.
Just-a-naughty_boy01 reply
I know a country that had full face covering bike helmets banned because shop breakers created a trend of using them to mask their face.
Oyster_- reply
The abolishment of last meal requests in Texas because one guy had such a massive meal request.
sweet_neighbor9 reply
Decades ago, I was shopping at a toy store, looking for a Lego table. I found a flat Lego table box, picture of two kids sitting at the table (fully constructed). The label read, I s**t you not, “children not included” .
When You Get One Formula Wrong In Our Weekly Tests At My School They Make You Write It Out 150 Times. I Have 4 More Of These To Do
My School Asked Us To Research And Watch A Tedtalk Despite Blocking Their Website And Their Videos On Youtube
Zealousideal1999 reply
I am a photographer. One of my new event photography clients gave me a list of instructions that included “Do not photograph close-ups of our employees’s low cut shirts” and I wondered which photographer had done this previously. Yikes.
Oyster_- reply
The abolishment of last meal requests in Texas because one guy had such a massive meal request.
sweet_neighbor9 reply
Decades ago, I was shopping at a toy store, looking for a Lego table. I found a flat Lego table box, picture of two kids sitting at the table (fully constructed). The label read, I s**t you not, “children not included” .
Just-a-naughty_boy01 reply
I know a country that had full face covering bike helmets banned because shop breakers created a trend of using them to mask their face.
KnockMeYourLobes reply
I used to work for a school district in the cafeteria. We got 10 days of PTO per year.
One year, a coworker decided that she was going to take an 8 day cruise the second to last week of the school year.
The following year? No taking time off except in medical emergencies the last month of school.