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Garima Shukla
Community Member
1 posts
52 points
"Every Child is an Artist, the problem is staying an artist when you grow up." - Pablo Picasso.
May be I took it little more seriously. Give a set of colors & brush to a kid, see how they scribble, see how kids build sand castles, how they play around. You can see they are happy & confident. Level of confidence when they do any work will be at peak. They don't have fear of being judged by someone. I always wanted to be like the same kid who enj
Garima Shukla • commented on a post 9 years ago
Garima Shukla • upvoted 4 items 9 years ago
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Garima Shukla • commented on a post 9 years ago
Garima Shukla • upvoted 4 items 9 years ago
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