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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Sherryist • upvoted 34 items 3 years ago
Doctor here: I was working in the COVID ICU as a resident physician. We were getting crushed with new patients and the ICUs were overflowing. I admitted this elderly gentleman around 2am with respiratory failure due to COVID. He was maintaining his oxygen saturation with high flow nasal cannula oxygen, but notably short of breath and unable to speak full sentences without gasping for air. At this point in the night I had been working about 22 hours into my 28 hour call shift. All I want to do is take a quick history and physical and get out of the room to reduce my exposure. He proceeds to tell me all about how COVID is a hoax and starts rambling on about some bible passage. He even told me I needed to read the Bible more. I was beyond emotionally and physically drained by this point to respond to the audacity of his comments. He would later get intubated and spend a week on the ventilator. I think he survived, but it’s hard to remember. To say this pandemic made me cynical is an understatement.People-Choose-Pet-Over-Partner
Was getting a divorce and the ex-wife demanded my dog or she’d take me to court over the house. I reluctantly gave him to her. She called me five days after taking possession of him. He was chewing everything of hers, peeing all over her and her new boyfriends house. I got him back and he never did any of that for me. Still have him and he is 15 years old now Funny
People Show The Ridiculous Items They Found While Shopping High-End, And Each Of Them Is Funnier Than The Other (30 Pics)
Got Up In The Middle Of The Night To Get A Drink Of Water, And When I Opened The Fridge The Door Fell Off In My Hand
A Touching Moment Between A Scottish Piper And A Traditional African Drummer As They Play Together In Edinburgh. It Was A Beautiful Display Of Humanity But Unfortunately It Sounded Like A Cat Being Kicked Down A Flight Of Wooden Stairs
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Sherryist • commented on 6 posts 3 years ago
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Sherryist • submitted a new post 7 years ago
Sherryist • submitted 2 list additions 7 years ago
Sherryist • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
Sherryist • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Doctor here: I was working in the COVID ICU as a resident physician. We were getting crushed with new patients and the ICUs were overflowing. I admitted this elderly gentleman around 2am with respiratory failure due to COVID. He was maintaining his oxygen saturation with high flow nasal cannula oxygen, but notably short of breath and unable to speak full sentences without gasping for air. At this point in the night I had been working about 22 hours into my 28 hour call shift. All I want to do is take a quick history and physical and get out of the room to reduce my exposure. He proceeds to tell me all about how COVID is a hoax and starts rambling on about some bible passage. He even told me I needed to read the Bible more. I was beyond emotionally and physically drained by this point to respond to the audacity of his comments. He would later get intubated and spend a week on the ventilator. I think he survived, but it’s hard to remember. To say this pandemic made me cynical is an understatement.People-Choose-Pet-Over-Partner
Was getting a divorce and the ex-wife demanded my dog or she’d take me to court over the house. I reluctantly gave him to her. She called me five days after taking possession of him. He was chewing everything of hers, peeing all over her and her new boyfriends house. I got him back and he never did any of that for me. Still have him and he is 15 years old now Funny
People Show The Ridiculous Items They Found While Shopping High-End, And Each Of Them Is Funnier Than The Other (30 Pics)
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Sherryist • 35 followers