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Sathe Wesker
Community Member
Feed your head! Be kind and honest and remember we're all in this messed up world together. It's up to everyone to make it better. Karma!
Catherine Cole reply
By far the rudest celebrity I've ever met was Bill Cosby. I met Bill Cosby, in the early 90’s, in NYC. At that time Mr. Cosby was a huge celebrity. I was a Police Officer, in uniform at the time. We were assigned to a crowd control detail and really weren't needed at all.
I just said “Hello Mr. Cosby, I love your work, especially on the Fat Albert cartoons.” I was expecting a “thank you” or maybe even a handshake at most. Nope, Bill wasn't having any of this nonsense. He proceeds to “rant and rave about his hanging on fans and lack of privacy.”
Seriously Bill, I wasn't intruding on your privacy, not by a long shot, nor was I being a clingy or annoying fan that day. I was simply stating that I enjoyed your work. That you brought a little bit of enjoyment to my life.
In hindsight, now looking back on that situation I'm grateful. I'm grateful that maybe, I just wasn't Bill’s type.
fwooby_pwow reply
I met this dude who worked at the local supermarket because he kinda knew my friend. He was legitimately nice. He was overweight, but had great skin and hair. Not my type, but I wouldn't be surprised if he had a hot girlfriend or whatever. He was a little nerdy and shy but pretty cool regardless.
I friended him on Facebook since we had a lot of mutual friends. I had just seen an episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (before I knew what Bronies were) and he was a *little* too excited. He messaged me with all of these facts about the show and how most episodes were good but a few were a "little girlie". I said that's fine since it's a show for little girls and he got pretty mad. Strike one.
Strikes two and three were his constant whiny posts about "females" ignoring him for no reason. Going on and on about how the sexy, slim, big-breasted redhead didn't give him her number. He even had his friend make this long post about how awful we all were for not hooking him up with our single female friends.
The real kicker? Our mutual friend had a crush on him and he totally blew her off. She's a pretty Italian girl with gorgeous hair and a perfect a*s. She's also equally as nerdy as him, and they had the same nerdy interests. When she asked him out, he said they should just be friends.
I couldn't believe it. Dude lives with his parents, work at a grocery store, is a Brony, and he turns down a hot nerdy girl because she doesn't look like an Anime character or The Little Mermaid.
clocksailor reply
I had one of the "but I'm just trying to helllllp-" flavored nice guys cling to me for dozens of miles once.
My favorite hobby is bike touring. I pick a place around 100 miles away, wake up real early, jam on music and podcasts all day, and don't have to talk to anybody. It is the best.
40 miles into one ride, I pulled over to look at the map on my phone, and this dude decided that me glancing at my map meant I was hopelessly lost and couldn't possibly continue on my route unless he rescued me. He (and his friend who didn't really say much) became my personal escort. I did all the nonconfrontational go-away things I could think of--leaving my headphones in and going "what" in an unfriendly way when he kept trying to mansplain bikes to me, lagging way behind him or surging way ahead of him, etc, but he never caught on. He was always there, demanding my attention and giving nothing in return.
Finally I waited for him and his friend to get around a bend, and took like a 20 minute sandwich and stretch break. Surely this would shake them off.
Nope! Dude was lurking there, looking relieved that he'd found me. Finally I just had to be like, "No offense, but I really like doing these rides by myself. I've got an audiobook I'd like to listen to, and I don't need your help right now."
"But you were lost!"
"No I wasn't. I was looking at the map on my GPS-enabled phone. I told you you found me 40 miles away from my apartment--how do you think I managed to get this far without you? I do rides like this all the time on my own. I'm fine."
And at that point he muttered something about how I was "real NICE" and biked away. I care less and less about how nice strange men think I am with every passing day.
Lil-Maece reply
I used to get public transport home from university each day. Made friends with a guy who shared most of my classes and it turned out he lived quite near me. One lecture finished late and he offered to drive me home so I didn't have to get public transport alone at night. I thanked him profusely, as I really didn't feel safe alone at night. All went well. Couple days later I was leaving uni and he offered again, I told him he didn't need to, but he waved it off and said he was happy to. Over the next semester he made a habit of offering to drop me home whenever we ended the day with a class together. When I tried to offer to pay for petrol or pay for his lunch as a thank you, he would just reiterate that he really didn't mind and he was happy to do it.
One day when he's driving me home he seems to be in a really bad mood. Gripping the steering wheel really tightly and only replying with single monosyllabic words. When we get to my house i ask if he's ok. He doesn't reply so i go to get out of the car, then he angrily says "are you EVER going to invite me inside!?" I must have said something like "huh, what?" Coz he then yells "I've been giving you free rides for MONTHS and you've never invited me in afterwards! Are we EVER going to have s*x??"
I was so surprised and shocked I think i just got out of the car and walked away. This guy, who i thought was my friend, who i had offered to pay for the rides, thought he was entitled to sex because he had voluntarily been offering me rides.
To reiterate: i offered to pay him for the rides, i never asked for a ride (he always offered and even insisted), and he had never asked me out on an actual date (i had no idea he thought of me that way).
I felt so betrayed. Made it worse when he then told our mutual uni friends that id been stringing him along and using him for free rides.