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mummy pig
Community Member
1 posts
5.6K points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
mummy pig • upvoted 36 items 1 year ago
Altruistic_Dust123 reply
All the men are diverse in age and attractiveness, and the two to three total women are twenty-something bombshells.HovercraftThin5217 reply
When they tell you their problems, they don't want you to solve them. They just want you to listen and sympathize with their plight. Even if you have a quick and easy solution, keep it to yourself and pretend that they issue is just as bad as they think it is. Edit: Well, this caught fire, thank you for the awards. Also for the people complaining, I don't make the rule, don't blame me.30 Anonymously Shared Secrets That People Wouldn’t Dare To Confess In Real Life
I tell everyone the reason I do beekeeping as a hobby is because I want the honey and to help prevent colony collapse. The real reason I started to is because my mother is extremely allergic to them and now she won't come near my home anymore.Show All 36 Upvotes
mummy pig • commented on 4 posts 1 year ago
Show All 4 Comments
mummy pig • submitted 4 list additions 3 years ago
mummy pig • submitted a list addition 4 years ago
mummy pig • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
40 Gems From Facebook Marketplace That Prove Just How Much Garbage People Try To Sell You (New Pics)
mummy pig • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
Altruistic_Dust123 reply
All the men are diverse in age and attractiveness, and the two to three total women are twenty-something bombshells.HovercraftThin5217 reply
When they tell you their problems, they don't want you to solve them. They just want you to listen and sympathize with their plight. Even if you have a quick and easy solution, keep it to yourself and pretend that they issue is just as bad as they think it is. Edit: Well, this caught fire, thank you for the awards. Also for the people complaining, I don't make the rule, don't blame me.30 Anonymously Shared Secrets That People Wouldn’t Dare To Confess In Real Life
I tell everyone the reason I do beekeeping as a hobby is because I want the honey and to help prevent colony collapse. The real reason I started to is because my mother is extremely allergic to them and now she won't come near my home anymore. mummy pig • is following a person
mummy pig • 76 followers