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Shafia Mallik
Community Member
1 posts
382 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Shafia Mallik • upvoted 24 items 3 years ago
Sex. The amount of times a guest will have requested something, needed something fixed in their room or asked for room service, only to decide to f**k straight after they put the phone down; leaving me stuck outside the door with that extra set of towels or walking into a room to fix something and seeing more than I ever needed too. Also bins are provided in bedrooms for a reason, stop leaving used condoms, lube packets, discarded toys just all over the bed and tables. I get it, and dirty weekends away are awesome, just have a lil thought for the person who has to clean up the room after.Show All 24 Upvotes
Shafia Mallik • commented on 15 posts 3 years ago
Show All 15 Comments
Shafia Mallik • submitted 4 list additions 3 years ago
Shafia Mallik • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
Shafia Mallik • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Sex. The amount of times a guest will have requested something, needed something fixed in their room or asked for room service, only to decide to f**k straight after they put the phone down; leaving me stuck outside the door with that extra set of towels or walking into a room to fix something and seeing more than I ever needed too. Also bins are provided in bedrooms for a reason, stop leaving used condoms, lube packets, discarded toys just all over the bed and tables. I get it, and dirty weekends away are awesome, just have a lil thought for the person who has to clean up the room after. Shafia Mallik • is following a person
Shafia Mallik • 25 followers