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Semechka Workshop
Community Member
Hi, I'm Ekaterina Semenenko and I'm a polymer clay artist.
I started my way in creativity with bijouterie and now for 5 years I've been creating cute moth dolls in mixed technique.
Hey Pandas, What Makes You Really Angry?
When someone tries to gaslight me and then acts like I’m the problem for not falling for it.Hey Pandas, What Makes You Really Angry?
Prejudices—whether religious, national, or political—encourage the worst in people.
Hey Pandas, What Makes You Really Angry?
Littering. I dont care how far from a bin you are, carry it till you reach one. It's not hard!Hey Pandas, What Makes You Really Angry?
People that feel the need to divide other people into groups just so they know who to hate.Hey Pandas, What Makes You Really Angry?
People who are inconsiderate, offensive, or intolerant.
Racists, bigots, and misogynists are three good examples to get the ball rolling. People who let their feral offspring run riot through restaurants, cafes, pubs, and supermarkets, whose only parenting 'skill' is to shout 'stop it!' at the top of their voices. People who think that their religion gives them the right to look down on others, zealots who shout at you or blow you up, churches and preachers that hoard money as if it's going out of fashion. People who demonize or criticize others because of their race, gender, or lifestyle choices.
In a nutshell, anyone who intentionally says or does something that hurts another person, whether physically, emotionally, or otherwise.
Tim says, 'Always consider how your actions or words will affect someone before you say, write, or do them.' Tim seems like a nice guy. Be like Tim.
(I don't know who Tim is, but he was polite, so I let him have his say.)
Hey Pandas, What Makes You Really Angry?
Nothing makes me angry anymore. I can't do anything with anger. I'm over it. I'm just incredibly disappointed, saddened, disgusted, and ashamed of most people. I'm sick of it all. People are just sad saps. I refuse to let anyone dictate to me about how I should feel. So, having said that, I'm going to go outside and tiptoe through the tulips. When I come back in, I'm going to bake some cookies. I hope everyone has the nicest day possible.