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Draco Malfoy
Community Member
1 posts
-11 points
Hello I love Harry Potter and lotr baiiiii
Draco Malfoy • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
Show All 20 Comments
Draco Malfoy • upvoted 16 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, Use Emojis To Describe A Book, Movie, Or Show
hi hi sorry about this- feel free to downvote it I’m trying to test something lolHey Pandas, What Was The Weirdest Way Someone Asked You Out?
Disclaimer: not my story. My friend, who works as a maintenance repairman for an apartment complex, told me this one that happened to him. He gets a call that this unit’s AC unit was broke so he goes into the apartment to fix it, he’s been there a few times before for other issues so remembers that its a young couple who live there. When he arrives, the girl is home alone, shes staring at him the whole time and kind of making him uncomfortable while he’s fixing the AC. Before he leaves she tells him that he’s really cute and asks if he would go on a date with her. After he politely declines, she says “oh thats okay, my boyfriend thinks you’re really attractive too and told me to ask if you’d go out with him?” 0_0Show All 16 Upvotes
Draco Malfoy • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Draco Malfoy • submitted 2 list additions 3 years ago
Draco Malfoy • started following a person 3 years ago
Draco Malfoy • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Draco Malfoy • submitted 2 list additions 3 years ago
Draco Malfoy • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
Draco Malfoy • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, Use Emojis To Describe A Book, Movie, Or Show
hi hi sorry about this- feel free to downvote it I’m trying to test something lolHey Pandas, What Was The Weirdest Way Someone Asked You Out?
Disclaimer: not my story. My friend, who works as a maintenance repairman for an apartment complex, told me this one that happened to him. He gets a call that this unit’s AC unit was broke so he goes into the apartment to fix it, he’s been there a few times before for other issues so remembers that its a young couple who live there. When he arrives, the girl is home alone, shes staring at him the whole time and kind of making him uncomfortable while he’s fixing the AC. Before he leaves she tells him that he’s really cute and asks if he would go on a date with her. After he politely declines, she says “oh thats okay, my boyfriend thinks you’re really attractive too and told me to ask if you’d go out with him?” 0_0 Draco Malfoy • is following a person
Draco Malfoy • 46 followers