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Sarah Dollar
Community Member
4 posts
79 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Sarah Dollar • commented on 26 posts 1 year ago
“Do You Really Want That On Your Body Forever?”: 30 Of The Worst Tattoos Shared On This Online Group
“Do You Really Want That On Your Body Forever?”: 30 Of The Worst Tattoos Shared On This Online Group
“Do You Really Want That On Your Body Forever?”: 30 Of The Worst Tattoos Shared On This Online Group
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Sarah Dollar • started following 3 people 1 year ago
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Sarah Dollar • upvoted 5 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, Got Any Interesting First Kiss Stories?
His friends dared us. (Probably at his request) I think we were 11, it was summer, and we were in his backyard. He was a boy I met at basketball camp. We pressed our lip together and counted to five on our hands. It tasted like red Kool aid and Cheetos. His sister got mad (jealous) because she was really into me I think. I didn't know I was a lesbian yet, but she was younger than me and wouldn't have shown on my radar anyway, but in hindsight she was way more wise to all that than I was. But he and I ditched everyone else, then spent the day holding hands, exploring the nature areas of the neighborhood, and catching garter snakes. I liked him because he let me do the "boy" stuff in our relationship. Like, he rode on my bike handlebars and stuff like that. Anyway, the kiss was basically like that first kiss scene in Love and BasketballHey Pandas, Got Any Interesting First Kiss Stories?
His friends dared us. (Probably at his request) I think we were 11, it was summer, and we were in his backyard. He was a boy I met at basketball camp. We pressed our lip together and counted to five on our hands. It tasted like red Kool aid and Cheetos. His sister got mad (jealous) because she was really into me I think. I didn't know I was a lesbian yet, but she was younger than me and wouldn't have shown on my radar anyway, but in hindsight she was way more wise to all that than I was. But he and I ditched everyone else, then spent the day holding hands, exploring the nature areas of the neighborhood, and catching garter snakes. I liked him because he let me do the "boy" stuff in our relationship. Like, he rode on my bike handlebars and stuff like that. Anyway, the kiss was basically like that first kiss scene in Love and BasketballHey Pandas, Got Any Interesting First Kiss Stories?
Like another poster here, I received my first kiss on a fairgrounds ride. I had a major crush on my date and was thrilled that he asked me out. We were riding the oblong spinning thing called the Zipper. It was a wild ride and we were having a great time, and he suddenly turned and kissed me! Ever since, whenever someone asks about my first kiss, I smile and reply that it was right on the zipper.Hey Pandas, Got Any Interesting First Kiss Stories?
Mine was the result of bullying. I was twelve, and a bunch of my classmates decided I was dating a fellow student who had severe mental disabilities. Spoiler alert, I wasn't. They surrounded us on the playground and refused to let me leave until I kissed the boy. He didn't understand what the problem was and went for it. I got a mouthful of spit that wasn't mine. Yeah. Fun times.Show All 5 Upvotes
Sarah Dollar • submitted 4 new posts 1 year ago
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Sarah Dollar • submitted 2 list additions 1 year ago
Sarah Dollar • submitted 2 list additions 1 year ago
Sarah Dollar • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
“Do You Really Want That On Your Body Forever?”: 30 Of The Worst Tattoos Shared On This Online Group
“Do You Really Want That On Your Body Forever?”: 30 Of The Worst Tattoos Shared On This Online Group
Sarah Dollar • upvoted 10 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, Got Any Interesting First Kiss Stories?
His friends dared us. (Probably at his request) I think we were 11, it was summer, and we were in his backyard. He was a boy I met at basketball camp. We pressed our lip together and counted to five on our hands. It tasted like red Kool aid and Cheetos. His sister got mad (jealous) because she was really into me I think. I didn't know I was a lesbian yet, but she was younger than me and wouldn't have shown on my radar anyway, but in hindsight she was way more wise to all that than I was. But he and I ditched everyone else, then spent the day holding hands, exploring the nature areas of the neighborhood, and catching garter snakes. I liked him because he let me do the "boy" stuff in our relationship. Like, he rode on my bike handlebars and stuff like that. Anyway, the kiss was basically like that first kiss scene in Love and BasketballHey Pandas, Got Any Interesting First Kiss Stories?
Like another poster here, I received my first kiss on a fairgrounds ride. I had a major crush on my date and was thrilled that he asked me out. We were riding the oblong spinning thing called the Zipper. It was a wild ride and we were having a great time, and he suddenly turned and kissed me! Ever since, whenever someone asks about my first kiss, I smile and reply that it was right on the zipper.Hey Pandas, Got Any Interesting First Kiss Stories?
Mine was the result of bullying. I was twelve, and a bunch of my classmates decided I was dating a fellow student who had severe mental disabilities. Spoiler alert, I wasn't. They surrounded us on the playground and refused to let me leave until I kissed the boy. He didn't understand what the problem was and went for it. I got a mouthful of spit that wasn't mine. Yeah. Fun times. Sarah Dollar • is following 3 people