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593 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Hann • commented on 3 posts 1 year ago
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Hann • upvoted 22 items 1 year ago
50 People Who Eavesdropped On Hilarious Private Conversations And Couldn’t Help But Share (New Pics)
50 People Who Eavesdropped On Hilarious Private Conversations And Couldn’t Help But Share (New Pics)
50 People Who Eavesdropped On Hilarious Private Conversations And Couldn’t Help But Share (New Pics)
Koellefornia4711 reply
Portuguese waiters disappearing after serving you the desserts! A guidebook told me that dessert is seen as the best part of the meal therefore they give you plenty of time to enjoy it. But I wanna pay and move on! On the other hand: in the US they bring you the check when you haven’t even swallowed the last bite. I don’t like that either 😆 Find some middle ground!adminofyourlifenow reply
Hustle 26 hours a day, grind to be successful, etc. I just wanna do my job I enjoy, come home for dinner, play with my dogs, listen to music and sleep. YOU can be the billionaire. I'm good where I am brah.Show All 22 Upvotes
Hann • upvoted 12 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, Can You Recommend Some Places To Visit?
The Aegean islands of Greece. Beautiful! Ios is my favorite. In the USA- Albuquerque, New Mexico. Hot air ballooning is available almost every day of the year.Hey Pandas, Can You Recommend Some Places To Visit?
South Padre Texas is beautiful! Also Corpus Crispy! (Can't spell) They are both in Texas, both have beaches, and both have a lot to do!Hey Pandas, Can You Recommend Some Places To Visit?
Philippines, Mindanao islands, you can see many animals around there even a tarsiar!Hey Pandas, Can You Recommend Some Places To Visit?
If money aint an issue, one of Cali's amusement parks. Disney, Universal, Knotts, Six flags. All fun, as long as you bring your own food ( pro tip, dont buy any fruit)Hey Pandas, Can You Recommend Some Places To Visit?
In 1st grade I went to Australia and it was the best place I ever went. The food was good, and the weather was good too. And everybody was friendly also. It was a long flight, (I’m from Seattle) about 20 hours. But other than that, it was definitely a great place to travel! :)Hey Pandas, Can You Recommend Some Places To Visit?
The dragon tail in TN into NC. In the USA. Its a terrifying drive for alot of people. But the views are absolutely amazing. I have no photos to share. My phone was last on my menu up there but it's kocked off my buckling. Amazing in the fall and spring.Hey Pandas, Can You Recommend Some Places To Visit?
vietnam is very beautiful, and has amazing culture, and food and i think it’s totally worth the long plane ride. it is a great country to visit on a budget, as most hotels and food are dirt cheap. usually your only main expense is plane ticketsHey Pandas, Can You Recommend Some Places To Visit?
tasmania most famously known for the hillcrest tragedy but an amazy place to visitHey Pandas, Can You Recommend Some Places To Visit?
i would say that i know asia has a really bad political reputation, but some places there are both beautiful and ancient. thailand, japan, vietnam, china, burma are all greatHey Pandas, Can You Recommend Some Places To Visit?
Paris, France. I know this sounds weird but it’s legitimately underrated. Mose incredible place I’ve ever been to. Mexico is pretty incredible too. Also New York, New York is great, along with Philadelphia, because there you can experience the history of early American colonization and see the liberty bell and stuff. New York is pretty self-explanatory, everyone knows about the awesome stuff in that place.Show All 12 Upvotes
Hann • commented on 2 posts 2 years ago
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Hann • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Hann • submitted 2 list additions 3 years ago
Hann • commented on 3 posts 1 year ago
Hann • commented on 17 posts 2 years ago
Hann • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
50 People Who Eavesdropped On Hilarious Private Conversations And Couldn’t Help But Share (New Pics)
50 People Who Eavesdropped On Hilarious Private Conversations And Couldn’t Help But Share (New Pics)
50 People Who Eavesdropped On Hilarious Private Conversations And Couldn’t Help But Share (New Pics)
Koellefornia4711 reply
Portuguese waiters disappearing after serving you the desserts! A guidebook told me that dessert is seen as the best part of the meal therefore they give you plenty of time to enjoy it. But I wanna pay and move on! On the other hand: in the US they bring you the check when you haven’t even swallowed the last bite. I don’t like that either 😆 Find some middle ground!This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet