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Shiro Kuro
Community Member
1 posts
14 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Shiro Kuro • upvoted 36 items 2 years ago
50 Times Teachers Hung The Funniest Signs In Their Classrooms And They Ended Up Being Praised Online
After my mother died i found out why her family (my aunts and uncles) avoided me. Apparently my mother told them i had been sleeping with my father at 13, and prostituting, among a whole pile of other messed up s**t. (I was a virgin until 17) I have no idea why she hated me, and never realised the extent until she died.Show All 36 Upvotes
Shiro Kuro • commented on 2 posts 2 years ago
Shiro Kuro • upvoted 2 items 3 years ago
Shiro Kuro • submitted 2 list additions 3 years ago
Shiro Kuro • commented on 2 posts 2 years ago
Shiro Kuro • commented on 5 posts 3 years ago
Shiro Kuro • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
After my mother died i found out why her family (my aunts and uncles) avoided me. Apparently my mother told them i had been sleeping with my father at 13, and prostituting, among a whole pile of other messed up s**t. (I was a virgin until 17) I have no idea why she hated me, and never realised the extent until she died.50 Times Teachers Hung The Funniest Signs In Their Classrooms And They Ended Up Being Praised Online
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