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Art, Books, Songs, Cycling
Community Member
1 posts
257 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Art, Books, Songs, Cycling • commented on a post 1 year ago
Art, Books, Songs, Cycling • submitted a new post 1 year ago
Art, Books, Songs, Cycling • upvoted 21 items 2 years ago
AnybodySeeMyKeys reply
Can we make gender reveal parties illegal? Trust me. Nobody wants to attend your gender reveal party. Just have the baby shower and be done with it. For adding yet another event to celebrate your pregnancy is just narcissistic.GabeNewellExperience reply
Never saying sorry to your children. Not really a trend though because this has basically always been like thisKeldonv7 reply
Parents trying to create golden child by enrolling it in thousands of extra activities, something musical, tutoring on STEM subjects from first year of school, some sports activity, etc. To the point where child is basically on doubleshift with school and all extra activities with extremely tight schedule. Kids are missing out on becoming independent from young age like riding bike around or using public transportation because helicopter mommy drives them from activity to activity all day to met tight schedule, they are robbed out of their childhood and usually create only shallow relationships with people they met during activities but don't have time to expand on them.Bon_yaqwq reply
Stop comparing your kid with other kids when you are disappointed at them for not achieving *your* expectationsKieshaK reply
Parents who are way too involved in their adult children’s lives. Your kid is 23, you don’t need to call his boss to talk about anything unless your kid is dead.Show All 21 Upvotes
Art, Books, Songs, Cycling • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
Art, Books, Songs, Cycling • commented on 16 posts 2 years ago
Show All 16 Comments
Art, Books, Songs, Cycling • submitted a new post 1 year ago
Art, Books, Songs, Cycling • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
Art, Books, Songs, Cycling • commented on a post 1 year ago
Art, Books, Songs, Cycling • commented on 19 posts 2 years ago
Art, Books, Songs, Cycling • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
GabeNewellExperience reply
Never saying sorry to your children. Not really a trend though because this has basically always been like thisKieshaK reply
Parents who are way too involved in their adult children’s lives. Your kid is 23, you don’t need to call his boss to talk about anything unless your kid is dead.Bon_yaqwq reply
Stop comparing your kid with other kids when you are disappointed at them for not achieving *your* expectationsKeldonv7 reply
Parents trying to create golden child by enrolling it in thousands of extra activities, something musical, tutoring on STEM subjects from first year of school, some sports activity, etc. To the point where child is basically on doubleshift with school and all extra activities with extremely tight schedule. Kids are missing out on becoming independent from young age like riding bike around or using public transportation because helicopter mommy drives them from activity to activity all day to met tight schedule, they are robbed out of their childhood and usually create only shallow relationships with people they met during activities but don't have time to expand on them.AnybodySeeMyKeys reply
Can we make gender reveal parties illegal? Trust me. Nobody wants to attend your gender reveal party. Just have the baby shower and be done with it. For adding yet another event to celebrate your pregnancy is just narcissistic.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet