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368 points
11 year old i play videogames have two dogs casey and cooper and i look at bored panda when im bored (which is always)
Cryo • commented on 37 posts 3 years ago
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Cryo • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
Cryo • upvoted 12 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas With A Disability Or Disorder, What’s The Worst Thing Someone Has Said To You About It?
i have ADHD Insomnia and Anxiety and i am adopted (born in korea) , so naturally i get made fun of: "chinese/japanese boy" every single person in my school, this hurts a lot more then you think "sloth" every single person in my school, they make fun of me bc i can't sleep and im slow when im tired "stop eating!" my teacher 4th grade, i also, idk why but snaking helps me focus, so i did'nt focus and got terrible grades i am 1 out of 2 korean people in my school so we get A: shipped and B: called 젠장, korean for s**t i have some friends that are nice so it helps a little bit thoughHey Pandas With A Disability Or Disorder, What’s The Worst Thing Someone Has Said To You About It?
I have autism. My school was ok with me having certain accommodations like going into the hall when it’s too loud. But this one teacher decided to bully me. He would just try to embarrass me in front of the class by using my homework as an example of what not to do. One day I didn’t know the answer to a question he asked me in front of the class so I said I didn’t know he thought that wasn’t good enough and decided that I had to give him an answer so I was now being pressured to think fast in front of the class and potentially get the answer wrong and I got super stressed out so I just said I didn’t know. Later he came over to my desk and took my math book to over explain the problem that we hat to work on. I took my book back and said I already understood. He sent me out into the hall. He then came out and said if I didn’t talk to him he was going to have to have a meeting with me and the principal and him and my mom. I just said talk to my mom. He insisted. I went back to the classroom packed my stuff and left. I also think he is homophobic.(current teacher) I hate him Sorry it was so long.Hey Pandas, What Always Happens In Books But Never Happens In Real Life?
The good guys win. Justice was served etcHey Pandas, What Is One Embarrassing Thing You Lie Awake Thinking About At Night?
Oh god. Here we go. In my house, it is a common ritual to say "YOUR MOM :something that someone else called you:" So one day, my sister said, "You're gonna die!" while we played video games. My mom was in the room. What did I say? "YOUR MOM'S GONNA DIE!" Let's just say, not my best moment.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Cryo • 37 followers