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Ryan C
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27 points
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Ryan C • commented on 5 posts 3 years ago
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Ryan C • upvoted 35 items 3 years ago
Obligatory not a doctor, but when my nephew was born, he was so ugly my sister didn't want to hold him, saying, serious as f**k, "put it back in, it's obviously not ready yet" She loves him to bits now, but we never let either of then forget itCrazy-Delivery-Room-Stories
Workmate of mine is about to become a dad in the next week. His wife has been getting to know the nurses at their local hospital and listening to some of the stories.... One day a bloke came running down the ward hallway screaming for help that his wife was in labour and they needed the docs to come quickly! The nurses looked around curiously and asked him "ok... so where is she?" The colour from the bloke's face drains for a second as he thinks this over... "OH S**T!" and he legs it out of there. 40 minutes later he returns with wife in tow. In his initial rush, he'd packed change of clothes, the car seat, camera gear, high tailed it to the hospital and left the missus at home!Crazy-Delivery-Room-Stories
A doctor was delivering the baby via ventouse, a vacuum extraction. He was pulling, and you do honestly have to put some muscle into it, those babies are stuck pretty fast in there sometimes. Anyway, the suction cap came off the baby's head, this happens a lot. The father of the baby thought that the doctor had pulled so hard that he had pulled the baby's head off, so naturally punched the doctor in the jaw, who went straight down to the ground like a felled tree. Much yelling ensued, people holding the father back, him realising that the baby was fine once we pointed out that the head was still inside, unconscious doctor being pulled into a chair, another doctor coming in to do the delivery, the mother crying hysterically. We had to have a quick and frantic conversation at the midwives' station about whether to allow the father to remain in the room. We decided that from his vantage point it may have appeared that the baby's head had been, uh, removed and that he had a momentary loss of reason. He was also hugely apologetic and took responsibility for his actions. The doctor who got punched took every opportunity afterwards to tell that story as often as possible and we all laughed.Show All 35 Upvotes
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Ryan C • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
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